Configure the Client ID and Client Secret

Add the client ID and client secret that came from your confidential application on IDCS to your Fusion Service configuration. Use the client ID and secret that you created earlier Create the Application Client.

  1. Sign in to Fusion Service as an administrator or a setup user.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service.

    • Functional Area: Digital Customer Service.

    • Task: Manage Client Credentials for Proxy User Data

  3. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret.

  4. Click Test to make sure the values you entered are valid, and then click OK if so.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Note: The credentials are cached by the Proxy User Data Service. These credentials can be cleared or refreshed by changing the value of SVC_CSS_PUDS_CACHE_DURATION profile option.