Create Groups in Oracle Fusion Service

Use this task only if required. The groups will be in place If you've previously run the Identity Cloud Service user import job the groups will already be in place.

Note: If you delete a group that's in use and then at another time recreate it we recommend that you clear the cache by adjusting the value of SVC_CSS_PUDS_CACHE_DURATION profile option.

Role Name

External ID

Related Profile Option

Customer Self-Service User



Customer Self-Service Account Administrator



Note: If you have changed the value of the profile options listed in the last column of the following table, then don't use the external ID and role name shown in the table, instead the external ID and role name will depend on the value of your change profile option.
Note: If you need to create a new group, you do it using the Create Groups in Identity Cloud Service task in Functional Setup Manager.
  1. Sign in to Fusion Service as an administrator or setup user.
  2. In the Setup and Maintenance area, go to the following:
    • Offering: Service.
    • Functional Area: Digital Customer Service.
    • Task: Create Groups in Identity Cloud Service.
      Note: Select All Tasks from the Show drop down list to display the task.
  3. Click the link for the task.
  4. Select the appropriate Fusion Service role from the table.
  5. If the corresponding Identity Cloud Service role doesn't exist, click the Create button to create the IDCS group.
    Note: If the corresponding IDCS group already exists, you will see information about the existing role instead of the Create button.