Create a New Digital Customer Service Application

The steps that follow assume that you have selected the current Reference Implementation template.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Visual Builder editor as a user with the Developer role.

  2. Click New.

    Note: If no applications have been created yet, the button will read New Application.

    The Create Application dialog appears.

  3. In the Application template section, click Change template.

  4. Click the newest reference implementation tile which will match the Fusion Service version you are using.

    This template creates an application with basic service functionality, including the ability to create and update SRs, search knowledge, and chat with an agent.

  5. Click Select.

  6. Specify the Application Name.

  7. Specify the Application ID.

    The Application ID is automatically derived from the specified Application Name, but you can change it, if desired. The Application ID cannot be modified once the application is created: it appears in the application URL.

  8. Click Finish.

    Once the Digital Customer Service application has been created, you are now ready to configure the application to meet your business needs.

Note: When Oracle Fusion Service is deployed with multiple business units, additional configuration is required.
Caution: For your Digital Customer Service Reference Implementation template to work properly, access to Knowledge and Chat must be allowed anonymously. Your Oracle Visual Builder settings must to be configured to allow publicly accessible applications to be created. To verify the settings, do the following:
  1. Open the application artifact and select the Settings editor in the Designer.
  2. Open the Security tab and then, in the Access pane, select Allow anonymous access.