Stage and Publish the Digital Customer Service Application

You can preview your changes as you develop them by clicking the Preview button.

A screen shot of the Preview button.

Test that your changes perform as expected by staging the application. Access the Stage option by clicking the Menu button from the Visual Builder home page as shown in the following example:

A screen shot of the VB menu.

Staging your application enables you to test each update you make to confirm that it behaves as you expect and that no problems have been introduced, for example, when you add new features or change your data model.

When you publish a version of your application, it becomes read-only and can no longer be changed. If you want to make changes to update your application, you need to create a new version. When you publish a staged version of your application, it becomes the live version.
Note: After staging and publishing the application you must use the Self-Service user. The Developer user is only applicable when the application is in Preview mode.
If you're updating an earlier version of your application, the previous live version is archived and locked. Only one version of an application can be live at a time, but multiple versions of an application can be staged simultaneously.