Determine Template Version

This topic describes how to determine the version of the Digital Customer Service template your application was based on, in Oracle Visual Builder.

Digital Customer Service provides templates for you to create your application. Additional templates may be provided with each version, and in some situations, you might want to know the version of the template that your application was based on.

To determine the version of your template:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Visual Builder.

  2. Open your Digital Customer Service application.

  3. Click Web Applications.

  4. In Web Apps, click dcs.

  5. Click the JS icon (Functions).

    The functions appear.

  6. The first line of the functions will look similar to the following:

    /* Oracle Digital Customer Service Template 19C 2.3.1: master a71f210 2019-06-06T02:07:28.700Z */

    In this example, the 19C 2.3.1 indicates the version of the template that you are using.