Export Configuration Data from the Stage Environment

The proxy user name and password aren't moved by this process. Proxy user configuration data must be configured in the stage environment and moved to the production environment.

Note: You perform this step in your Fusion Service environment.
  1. Sign in to Fusion Service as administrator or setup user.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service.

    • Functional Area: Digital Customer Service.

  3. From the Actions drop down list, select Export, then Create New.

  4. Click Yes to dismiss the Warning dialog box.

  5. In the Export Offering Setup Data work area, click the Show drop down list in the Business Objects area and select All.

  6. Make sure Proxy User Configuration is selected for export. If you don't want to export profile options, deselect Export for the Application Profile Value row.

  7. If you deselected the Application Profile Value row, click through the Warning pop up window.

  8. Enter a name in the Process Name field and then click Submit.

  9. Click OK to confirm the export, and then monitor the status of the export.

  10. When the status reads Ready to Export, click the link.

  11. Click Download File, and then click Done.

  12. A compressed file with the name you gave the process will be downloaded locally.