Overview of Mandatory Setup Tasks

Here are the mandatory tasks that are covered sequentially in this chapter. You can use these steps, like a checklist, to get your Digital Customer Service application set up:

Note: If you are using Self-Service Optimization, you must choose Oracle Identity Cloud Service as your primary identity provider. Self-Service Optimization employs proxy users in Fusion Service which streamlines setup and provides you with greater flexibility. In this architecture, only a contact record is created in Fusion Service, and users, created in IDCS, map to proxy users that are fewer in number and created during initial setup. For more information, refer to the Overview of Self-Service Optimization topic in this chapter.
  1. Activate Digital Customer Service

  2. Set Up Oracle Identity Cloud Service

    1. Locate the Oracle Identy Cloud Service URLs

    2. Set Up Oracle Identity Cloud Service for Authentication

    3. Create the Application Client

    4. Create Groups in Oracle Identity Cloud Sevice

    5. Configure the Resend Welcome and Password Recovery Email Templates

  3. Set Up Fusion Service

    1. Enable Digital Customer Service

    2. Configure a User Category for Proxy Users

    3. Create the Proxy Users

    4. Set Profile Options for Self-Service Optimization

    5. Set the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Endpoint

    6. Configure the Client ID and Client Secret

    7. Manage the Proxy User Configuration Data

    8. Set Proxy User Credentials

  4. Set Up Administrators and Developers

    1. Overview of Digital Customer Service Developer Roles

    2. Create an Internal Customer Account

    3. Create Digital Customer Service Developers

    4. Add Visual Builder Roles

  5. Set Up Oracle Visual Builder

    1. Retrieve the Oracle Visual Builder Designer URL

    2. Verify Your Oracle Visual Builder Settings