Overview of Web Chat for Service

Web Chat can combine assisted service with a live agent and a self-service chatbot in a single client for a consistent end-user experience across channels.

Web Chat handles chats that can be directly routed and handled by a human agent as a more modern and richer alternative than using the previous Chat Inlay deployment. If you are licensed to use Oracle Digital Assistant, you can use that same Web Chat client with DA as an Agent. This treats your intelligent chatbot as a natural extension to service.
Note: Oracle Digital Assistant is not required, but an optional add-on.

Web Chat for Service enables rich conversational and intelligent assisted service experiences. It's a chat widget that combines native chat capabilities with the rich configuration and branding options of Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA) Web SDK into a single widget.

This means that a lot of the parameters you can set for your web chat experience are based on the Oracle Digital Assistant Native Client SDK for Web which makes it a rich experience. Web Chat for Service makes use of a chat session that occurs between an end user and a Chat Agent.

The Chat Agent can also be an Oracle Digital Assistant using the Digital Assistant as an Agent feature. The routing logic for when a chat needs to go to a bot or a live agent is defined in the Fusion Service chat assignment rules. Digital Assistant is treated as any other human agent and is assigned to a digital assistant queue. The benefit of this Digital Assistant as an Agent is the centralized setup and reporting across queues with a warm handover to a live agent. This seamless transfer with full history in the chat transcript guarantees a full 360 view for agents inside the Fusion Service Center. Seamless transfer from the bot to a live Chat Agent can be configured in your Fusion Service deployment and Digital Assistant Skill.

Web Chat for Service is a syndicated widget that you can deploy on your Digital Customer Service application or any web page through the Oracle Engagement Engine single tag. You configure your Web Chat Client in Engagement Engine by creating the web chat component. You can define the desired functionality, layout, colors, icons etc in a very convenient and comprehensive way. Note that only a subset of the properties available in ODA Native Client SDK for Web are supported in the Web Chat Client.

Oracle Engagement Engine, is a product that enables an organization to unify rule definition and management into one scalable and responsive solution. This point-and click-interface allows for higher business agility to respond faster to changing customer journeys and makes these web journeys more engaging and personalized.

The primary tools of Engagement Engine are the Oracle Engagement Engine Rules Editor (Rules Editor) and the Oracle Engagement Engine Runtime. The main goal of the Rules Editor is to simplify the process of designing, testing, deploying, optimizing and measuring the impact of using rules to assist your business solution. The Runtime is used when you publish your rules from the Rules Editor.

You use the application to create, edit and delete rules, and deploy rules to sites. In addition to enabling rule definition, you use the application to manage a multi-site environment. A site is a means of organizing rules with a common context. Engagement Engine enables you to create and edit an unlimited number of sites.

A multi-site environment has a number of uses:
  • Use it to deploy rules to internal sites for testing and analysis before they are deployed on any public-facing environment.
  • Use it to distinguish between public-facing sites depending on specified criteria. In other words, you can define different sites for different product ranges, or for different geographical locations.

In case your Engagement Engine account has not been provisioned, you can request a new account by logging a Service Request with Oracle Support.

For more information on Oracle Engagement Engine, refer to Administering Oracle Engagement Engine.

To learn more about Oracle Digital Assistant and Digital Assistant as an Agent, refer to: Oracle Digital Assistant Get Started.

For information on setting up Digital Assistant as an Agent, refer to the Service Integration chapter in Using Oracle Digital Assistant.

The attributes supported in the Web Chat Client through Engagement Engine are based on the properties that can be set in the Oracle Digital Assistant Native Client SDK for Web. Note that only a subset of the properties available in ODA Native Client SDK for Web are supported in the Web Chat Client.

For setting up Digital Assistant as an Agent in your Fusion Service environment, you can find the setup steps in the following guides:

For more information, refer to the Implementing Digital Customer Service.