Post-Configuration Verification Tasks

This topic describes the post-configuration verification tasks recommended after configuring your Digital Customer Service application. The tasks outlined in this topic apply only if you created your Digital Customer Service application using the Digital Customer Service Reference Implementation template.

Verify the Knowledge Search Component

To verify the Knowledge Search component:

  1. Navigate to your Digital Customer Service application.

  2. Enter the search text for the Knowledge Management articles that have been created.

  3. Click the Search icon.

  4. Verify that the search results match the search text.

  5. Click the Category field to verify the list of categories are displayed.

  6. Click the Product field to verify the list of products are displayed.

  7. Sign in to your Digital Customer Service application as a self-registered user.

  8. Enter the search text for the Knowledge Management articles that have been created.

  9. Click the Search icon.

  10. Verify that the search results match the search text.

  11. Click the Category field to verify the list of categories are displayed.

  12. Click the Product field to verify the list of products are displayed.

Verify the Service Request Creator Component

To verify the Service Request Creator component:

  1. Sign in to your Digital Customer Service application as a self-registered user.

  2. Click the User menu, then select My Service Requests.

  3. Click Create Service Request.

  4. Enter details in the following fields:

    • Title

    • Describe the Problem

    • Category

    • Product

  5. Click Submit.

  6. Verify that a confirmation message appears.

Verify the Service Request List Component

To verify the Service Request List component:

  1. Sign in to your Digital Customer Service application as a self-registered user.

  2. Click the User menu, then select My Service Requests.

  3. Verify that the Service Requests list contains the service requests created in the Verify the Service Request Creator Component task.

  4. Specify a Filter.

  5. Verify that the My Service Requests list returns only SRs that contain the filter in the title.

  6. Change the Sort By to Service Request Number Ascending.

  7. Verify that the Service Request list is ordered by SR number, where the lowest SR number appears first in the list.

Verify the Edit Service Request Data Component

To verify the Edit Service Request Data component:

  1. Sign in to your Digital Customer Service application as a self-registered user.

  2. Click the User menu, then select My Service Requests.

  3. View an existing SR by clicking on it from the My Service Requests list.

  4. Verify that the details of the SR that you selected are displayed as expected.

  5. Add a message:

    1. In the Messages tab, enter a message in the Write a new message field.

    2. Click Submit.

    3. Verify that the message you entered is displayed in the list of messages at the end of the page.

  6. Add a file attachment:

    1. Click the File Attachments tab.

    2. Drag-and-drop files into the Drop files to attach or browse box.

    3. Click the Pencil (Edit Description) icon next to an uploaded file, enter a description, then click the Check Mark (Update Description) icon.

    4. Verify that the file and its description are listed in the list of file attachments.

    5. Click the file name.

    6. Verify that the file is successfully downloaded.

  7. Add a URL attachment:

    1. Click the URL Attachments tab.

    2. Enter a URL and a description.

    3. Click Submit.

    4. Verify that the URL and its description are listed in the list of URL attachments.

  8. Escalate the SR:

    1. Click the Actions menu and select Escalate this request.

    2. Enter a message in the Escalate this request dialog box.

    3. Click Escalate.

    4. Verify that the SR displays an escalated indicator.

    5. Verify that the escalation message appears in the list of messages on the Messages tab.

  9. Close the SR:

    1. Click the Actions menu and select Resolve this request.

    2. Enter a message in the Resolve this request dialog box.

    3. Click Resolve

    4. Check that the SR displays a Status of Resolved.

    5. Verify that the closure message appears in the list of messages on the Messages tab.

Verify the Chat Component

To verify the Chat component:

  1. Sign in to your Digital Customer Service application as a self-registered user.

  2. Click the Live Chat Support link.

  3. Fill in the Subject field.

    Note: Some user details are prepopulated in the form.
  4. Click Start Chat.

  5. Verify that the chat connects, and is placed in the queue.

    If the chat component isn't working, you may need to enable the SVC_ENABLE_CHAT profile option. For more information, see Related Topics for a link to the Configure Chat Profile Options topic.

Verify Search Results with Product and Category as Search Criteria

To verify search results where both product and category are used as search criteria:

  1. Sign in to your Digital Customer Service application as a self-registered user.

  2. Enter your search criteria in the Search text box.

  3. Expand the Filter your search option.

    The Select category and Select product fields appear.

  4. Navigate the product hierarchy in the Select product field, then click a product.

  5. Navigate the category hierarchy in the Select category field, then click a category.

  6. Click the Magnifying Glass (Search) icon.

    Your search results appear.

  7. Verify the results match the search criteria.