Activate the Survey Integration Flow

After importing the integration package and successfully connecting Oracle Fusion Service, you can now activate the integration flow.

Activate the Integration Flow

Follow these steps to activate the integration flow.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Integration.

  2. On the home page, click Integrations.

  3. Click Packages.

  4. Search for the EC_SAMPLE_SURVEY_INTEGRATION package.

  5. Click the package name.

    A window appears that lists the integrations in the package.

  6. You must activate each integration individually, so take note of the names of each integration in the package.

  7. Click Integrations in the menu.

  8. Find each integration in the package, and click the Activate icon in the status column.

    For example:

    • Click the Activate icon in the Status column for your integrations package.

    • Click Activate on the confirmation dialog window.

      Caution: Oracle doesn't recommended enabling tracing when activating the integration flow in production. If for some reason you enable tracing, you should not select the include payload option.
    • Make sure the flow was activated successfully.

  9. Verify that the integration synchronization is working.