Agent Availability

Agent availability indicates whether an agent is available. Agents are automatically assigned SRs. They don't need to make themselves handle an interaction or a work item. After an agent signs in to the application, he can set his availability to handle an interaction.

Agents can specify their availability for real-time and non-real-time work items. This means that agents can specify if they're available for chat, for SR, or for both, by using the icons on the Omnichannel toolbar.

If an agent's presence is set to Busy, but availability is set to non-real-time work items, an agent can still be assigned SRs. However, if an agent is available to handle real-time work items, the agent's presence is automatically set to Available for chat interactions.

If an agent who's accepting chat offers changes their presence state from present or available to busy, then the agent's chat availability status is automatically changed to unavailable, and no chats will be sent to that agent. For non-real-time work, agents can remain available, though. For instance, an agent may go to lunch and change presence state to busy which prevents real-time work offers, but the agent could still get non-real-time work assigned (assuming the agent has capacity).

Note: Based on the SVC_OMNI_DISABLE_WORK_ITEM_AVAILABILITY_SELECTION profile option setting, the application restricts agents from blocking new work assignments. The application assigns new work to agents until their maximum capacity is reached.