Configure Multichannel Architecture (MCA) Profile Options

Profile options let you configure and control application data centrally. Use the Multichannel Architecture (MCA) profile options to manage the MCA run time profile option values. Administrators and setup users manage MCA profile options in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

To configure the MCA Profile Options:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Communication Channels

    • Task: Manage MCA Profile Options

  2. Click the name of the profile option you want to set.

    This displays the Manage MCA Profile Options page for the selected profile option code.

  3. In the Profile Values section for the profile option code, set the Profile Value for the Site Profile Level.

  4. In the selected profile value, click the New icon to add a profile value.

  5. Click Save or Save and Close to save the configuration.

MCA Profile Options

The following table lists the various MCA profile options that you can configure:

Profile Option



Enables or disables the JSON Web Token generation.


Enables or Disables automatic display of contact verification screen for outbound calls. If enabled, it will override the call flow parameter configurations.


Enables or disables automatic display of the wrap-up screen for outbound calls. If enabled, it will override the call flow parameter configurations for wrap up.

Note: For Digital Sales implementations, this setting must be enabled.
SVC_MCA_ENABLE_ENGAGEMENT_SYNC Controls the in-focus chat interactions to be automatically associated to their screen popped tabs.


Indicates whether activities must be logged for real time interactions.
Note: For Digital Sales implementations, this setting must always be disabled (set to No).


Sets the number of milliseconds the user must wait for the start communication event. We recommend that you don't modify this value unless instructed by Oracle Support.


Sets the number of times the user must wait for reverse lookup to return before running the start communication event. We recommend that you don't modify this value unless instructed by Oracle Support.

SVC_MCA_SHOW_CONTACT_ON_WRAP_UP Indicates whether to show the contact information during the wrap up process.
SVC_OVERRIDE_PARTNER_TOOLBAR_SELECTION This option allows user to override system default setting of the partner media toolbar. User can select alternative toolbars from the list of active toolbars.


Enables the administrator to override the default setting of the partner media toolbar. The administrator can select alternative toolbars from the list of active toolbars.


Controls the visibility of the partner media toolbar. If it's not enabled, the partner media toolbar is hidden.


Turns on the JavaScript logging messages for debugging toolbar-related issues.