Create a Copy Map

Copy maps enable you to create objects by copying existing object entities. You use the copy maps feature to map child objects and attributes in the source object (From object) to objects and attributes in the object you're creating (To object).

To create a copy map:

  1. Sign in as a user with Application Composer access and verify that you have an active sandbox.

  2. Access Application Composer by selecting Application Composer from the Navigator menu, under the Configuration category.

  3. Go to Advanced Setup, and select Copy Maps.

  4. Under the Copy Service Request section, select one of the following options:

    • Copy Service Request Map

    • Standard Copy Service Request Map

  5. If you select Standard Copy Service Request Map, a read-only page comes up where the attribute mapping, application module mapping, and entity mapping sections are already mapped.

  6. If you select Copy Service Request Map, you can modify the attribute mapping, application module mapping, and entity mapping sections.

  7. The Attribute Mapping section contains all the OOTB attributes that are copied automatically. In this map, you can add the following types of fields to be copied:

    • other standard/OOTB fields,

    • custom fields, and

    • fields from other objects.

    In the Application Module Mappings section, enter the field you want to copy. You enter the following information about the mapping as outlined in this table:




    Enter a name for the copy map. The name is displayed in the Copy Maps window. You can use the name to locate and search for copy maps that you want to edit or delete.

    Map Group

    Select the required mapping group for the new copy map from the drop-down list.


    Select the application module that you're copying to. For example, if you're copying leads to opportunities, then select the application module that includes leads.


    Select the attribute or field name that you're copying from. For example, if you're copying responses to leads, then select the application module that includes responses.

  8. In the Entity Mappings section, add a record for each view object that you're copying by completing these fields:




    Select the new object that you're copying to.


    Select the existing view object that you're copying from.

    Query Type

    Select one of the three query types: Unique Identifier, Join, or All Records. If you select All Records, then don't enter any information in the remaining fields.

    Query Attribute

    If you selected either Unique Identifier or Join in the Query Type field, then select an attribute to use during runtime. The attribute is used to filter the records that are copied to the new object. For example, if you select LeadId, then during runtime, only the records matching the Lead ID passed to the copy map engine are copied.

    Joined View Object and Joined Attribute

    If you selected Join in the Query Type field, then use these two fields to specify:

    • The view object to which this object is joined

    • The attribute used as the basis of the join

  9. Select each line in the Entity Mappings section, and add or update records to the Attribute Mappings section for each of the attributes by completing these fields:




    Select the attribute to which the selected entity is copied.

    Referenced View Object

    If this attribute is a foreign key, select the view object joined by this foreign key. The application generates new foreign keys that keep the reference intact.

    Primary Key

    If this attribute is a primary key, select this check box. Instead of copying the value in the From object, the application generates a unique value for this key field in each record in the To object.


    Select the attribute from which the selected entity is copied.

    From Expression

    Optionally, you can enter a Groovy expression to change the value in this attribute. For example, you want to change the value of the From object to some new value in the attribute of the To object. You can also enter a constant to fill this attribute with a constant value in every record of the To object.

  10. Click Save and Close.