Modify Service Request Pages

You can modify the pages by duplicating the standard layout and updating the changes you want. Here's how you modify the SR page layouts.

  1. Sign in as an administrator.

  2. Click Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes. You can either create a new sandbox, or use an existing one and set it to active.

  3. After you activate the sandbox, open Application Composer.

  4. In Application Composer, select CRM Cloud from the Application drop-down list.

  5. In the Standard Objects list, select Service Request > Pages.

    The Service Request: Pages page contains sections for the different layouts available for modification. You can either use the provided standard layout, or duplicate the standard layout and modify the following:

    • Landing Page Layouts: The landing page layout contains sections to modify the SR summary table, the buttons and actions, and the fields for performing a mass update on the page. Click the edit icon to add, remove, or reorder the fields in each of these sections.

    • Create Page Layouts: The create page layout contains sections for the Create Service Request page that the users see when they create a new SR. The fields that you define in this layout determine the information that the users are asked to enter when creating the SR. Click the Edit icon to add, remove, and reorder the fields and the buttons available on this form.

    • Details Page Layout: The Details page layout is the screen that users see when they open an SR to view or edit details. On this layout, you can add, edit, and remove fields from three different regions: Spotlight Region, Subtabs region, and the Right Panel region.

      • Subtabs Region: In this region, you can add, edit, re-order, and remove Summary, Contacts, Team, Linked Articles, and Milestone details tabs, that are displayed as part of the Edit Service Request page. Click each subtab and select the edit icon to make changes to the fields. Not all tabs that are available are extensible. You can only rename the tabs that aren't extensible. You can also edit regions and field groups in this region.

      • Spotlight Region: The spotlight region is the summary of an SR that's displayed when the SR is opened for viewing or editing details. You can add, remove, and reorder the fields that you want to display on this header. You can also add the current milestone details to the Spotlight region to highlight the information. To add fields to the Spotlight Region, you must select the fields under the Available Fields panel, and move them over to the Selected Fields panel. To remove fields from the Spotlight Region, you must select the fields under the Selected Fields panel, and move them over to the Available Fields panel

      • Right Panel: In this panel, you can rename or hide the pre-built subtabs like Knowledge and SmartText. You can also integrate an external web application with an application by creating and embedding mashups. To do this, you must register the mashup content using Application Composer > Mashup Content, and enter the URL format and its parameters. After this, you can embed the mashup content in a Details Page layout, either within a subtab or in the Right panel.

    • HR Help Desk Service Request: This layout displays to the HR help desk agents and managers. You can add, remove, and reorder the fields that you want to display for the summary table, buttons, and actions.

  6. After you make the required updates, save the layout.

  7. To use this layout to view the SRs, select Active to make the layout active for users.

You can also configure the service request severity color codes to display on the Service Requests Lists page. For more information about embedding a registered mashup in the right panel, see "Embedding a Registered Mashup in the Right Panel."