Overview of Optional Setup Tasks for Service BU

Once the preliminary steps for setting up Service business units (BUs) are done, you can set up BU-specific tasks. All the BU-specific tasks are grouped under the Business Units functional area.

For multiple BUs in Service, the setup tasks are the same as in a normal Service setup. The only difference is that with most tasks for multiple BUs, you can do one of the following:

  • Use the default site-value profile option.

  • Set or select the business unit profile value.

However, the previous statement isn't true for some tasks for multiple BUs. The following multiple-BU tasks aren't related to profile options, so you must configure these tasks for each BU separately:

  • Manage Service Categories for Business Units

  • Manage HR Help Desk Service Categories for Business Units

  • Manage Communication Channels for Business Units

Note: Categories and channels are restricted based on the BU set as the scope.

Here's a list of the other Service optional setup tasks and the help topics that provide more information.

Service Task

Related Topics

Manage Business Unit

Define Business Units

Manage Service Product Groups Usage for Business Unit

Manage HR Help Desk Product Group Usage for Business Unit

Define a Catalog for the Service Offering

Associate Different Catalogs to Different Business Units

Manage Service Categories for Business Unit

Manage HR Help Desk Service Categories for Business Unit

Manage Service Request Categories

Manage Service Request Categories and Product Usage Groups for HR Help Desk

Manage Communication Channels for Business Unit

Managing Communication Channels

Manage Service Email Templates for Business Unit

Manage Human Resources Help Desk Email Templates for Business Unit

Define Email Templates

Configure HR Help Desk Email

Note: You must perform additional steps to complete the Manage Service Email Templates for Business Unit task. In Functional Setup Manager, in the Business Units functional area of the Service offering, show All Tasks. For each task, click the Scope link and select the BU that you want. When you finish, click the Select and Go to Task button.

Manage Service Milestone Configuration for Business Unit

Overview of Milestones for Multiple BUs

Manage Outbound Email Profile Values for Business Unit

Configure Profile Options for Inbound and Outbound Email