Set the Scope in Service BU Setup

When you opt in to the business units (BUs) feature for Service, the Scope column in the Business Units tasks list contains links to set the scope of the task.

Let's learn how to set the scope for tasks when setting up BUs for Service.

To set the scope for tasks when you set up BUs for Service:

  1. Sign in to the application as an administrator or a setup user.

  2. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.

  3. From the Setup drop-down list, select the Service offering.

  4. Select the Business Units functional area.

  5. From the Show drop-down list, select All Tasks.

  6. In the Scope column for any task in the task list, click the displayed link.

    The Select Scope dialog box is displayed, and the task for which you are setting the scope is already selected.

    Note: When you go to the task list for the first time, the scope may not be set and the Scope column displays the Select link. After you set the scope once, that BU appears as a link in the Scope column.
  7. From the Business Unit drop-down list in the Select Scope dialog box, select Select and Add.

  8. Click Apply and Go to Task.

  9. On the Select and Add: Business Unit page, search for and select the BU that you want to set for the scope.

  10. Click Save and Close.

    The page opens for the task you're working with. On this page, you can choose to use the default Site Level Value or select the Business Unit Profile Value.

  11. To select a Business Unit Profile Value:

    1. Deselect the Use Site Value check box.

    2. In the Business Unit Profile Value field, enter the profile value for the BU.

    3. Click Done.

The task closes and now on the Setup page, the BU that you set for the Scope is populated for all tasks. Each task you open now is the setup for the BU in the Scope column.

To set up additional BUs, repeat the same steps.

  • After you set up the first BU, the Business Unit drop-down list in the Select Scope window shows the BUs that you already set up.

  • For all tasks, the scope displays the BU that you're currently working with. To change the BU again, click the BU in the Scope column for any of the tasks.