Set Up Slash Commands in Slack for Opportunities, Leads, and Accounts

This is a required step for Sales from "How You Set Up a Slack Channel for Your Fusion Application".

(Required for your sales application, Not Required for your service application)

Because sales representatives travel quite often, sometimes it's not easy for them to sign in to Fusion Sales on their different devices. With the integration of Fusion Sales with Slack, they can view their top five opportunities, leads, and accounts from Slack on any of their devices. They can also take actions on their opportunities.

They can navigate to a workspace in Slack and use the respective slash commands to get their top five opportunities, leads, and accounts. The slash commands use the Sales Cloud RESP API to retrieve the opportunities, leads, and accounts. The results are only visible to the Slack user who executes the command. You first need to set up the slash commands for opportunities, leads, and accounts in Slack.

Here's a list of slash commands in Slack and their corresponding results.

Slash Command in Slack

What this command retrieves from Fusion Sales


Top five opportunities with the close date in the current quarter and owned by the sales representative who executes the command.


First five leads owned by the sales representative who executes the command. They are selected from only the qualified and unqualified leads owned by the sales representative in the last three months.


First five accounts owned by the sales representative who executes the command.

To set up the slash commands in Slack for opportunities, leads, and accounts:

  1. In the Features region of your Slack app, click Slash Commands.

  2. In the Slash Commands region, click Create New Command.

  3. In the Command field, enter the following commands:

    • For opportunities: /ec-my-opportunities

    • For leads: /ec-my-leads

    • For leads: /ec-my-accounts

    Note: Ensure that the commands exactly match the given commands. If you modify the commands, they don't work.
  4. In the Request URL field, enter the following URL: https://pod_name/crmRestApi/collaborationResources/latest/commands

    Here, pod_name is the name of the Fusion Sales and Service instance provisioned for you.

  5. Provide an appropriate Short Description. For example: Get my first 5 opportunities

  6. You can leave the Usage Hint field blank, as additional parameters aren't supported.

  7. Click Save to save the command or click Cancel to discard it.

Limitations for Activity Type When a Slash Command Is Used

For each opportunity returned by the /ec-my-opportunities slash command, the user can create a task, log a call, or schedule an appointment. These activities are created on the opportunities. In Fusion Sales and Service, you can add a custom lookup as the parent of the Activity Type lookup to further constrain the list of activity types.

But the Slack integration is unable to constrain the list of values for the activity type based on custom parent lookup type. So the users see an error if they select an activity type that isn't available for the activity they're creating.