Work Order Assigned

This is sample code to trigger a notification to be sent to the recipient specified in the Notification Preferences page when a work order is created.

You can copy and paste this sample code in Application Composer > Objects > Standard Objects > Work Order > Server Scripts.

/* DISCLAIMER: This trigger is provided only as a reference.
*  TRIGGER TYPE: Before Insert to Database
*  OBJECT: Work Order
*  Use Case: Send a notification when a work order is created.
*  Note: You can override the Notification Text and Recipients using the Notification Preferences page.

try {
        def messageText = WoId.toString() + ':' + WoNumber + ' - This Work Order has been assigned to you'
        def recipientPartyId = AssigneeResourceId
        def recipientName = AssigneePersonName
        if (recipientPartyId) {
            adf.util.sendNotification(adf, messageText, recipientPartyId)
        //Log a confirmation that the notification has been sent. Logs can be viewed in 'Runtime Messages'.
       //println("Notification sent to " + recipientName + " because Work Order assigned to them")
       } else {
            println("No Assignee associated with this Work Order")
    } catch (e) {
       //Log the failure in groovy logging. Logs can be viewed in 'Runtime Messages'.
       println("Failure to trigger notification from Groovy Script " + e.getMessage());

// Throwing validation exception will show the message on the UI. This is not recommended for published sandboxes.
// The following code is one of many to illustrate identifying an error in trigger from the UI.
// Replace <triggerName> with the trigger name you specified when creating this trigger.
// throw new oracle.jbo.ValidationException('Failure to trigger <triggerName> Notification from Groovy Script: ' + e.getMessage())