How do I create cases or SRs by interview?

You can have your users create service requests through an interview-style format using Oracle Intelligent Advisor. Using an interview to create service requests, can ensure service requests are created only after all critical questions are answered.

To create service requests by interview, you use Intelligent Advisor to create the interview, then Visual Builder Studio to make the interview available to your users.
Note: This feature requires a license for Oracle Intelligent Advisor.

The steps to enable and use the Create Service Request by Interview button on the Service Requests List page.

  1. Open the Service Request List page in Visual Builder Studio and find the Constants tab in the Right Hand Panel.
  2. Click the Constants tab.
  3. Set the values for the these variables on the Constants tab:
    1. showCreateSRByInterviewButton: true
    2. opaSiteURL: Enter the Intelligent Advisor Hub URL where your interview is deployed.
    3. createSRInterviewDeploymentName: Enter your interview name.
  4. Publish the changes.