Supported Query Parameters

Let's go through this topic that explains the supported query operators and their operand syntaxes, aliases and attributes for query parameters, and query URI examples.

Supported Operators

This table describes the supported operators, their respective example expressions, supported data types, and descriptions.

Operator Example Expression Operand Supported Data Types Description
after publishDate after '2011-11-01T06:00:00' Integer, Long, Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone The gt operator is a synonym.
and reputationPoints lt 200 and dateAdded lt '2015-01-01' An Expression or logical combination of Expressions See more info in the Combined Expressions section.
between reputationPoints between 100 and 200 Integer, Long, Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone The ge_le operator is synonym. For this operator, the limits are inclusive. In the example, the result will be [100,101,...,199,200].
before dateAdded before '2011-11-01' Integer, Long, Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone The lt operator is a synonym.
eq adminUser eq true Boolean, String, Integer, Long, Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone Interpreted as "equal to".
ge dateModified ge '2011-11-01T00:00:01PDT' Integer, Long, Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone Interpreted as "greater than or equal to". The onOrAfter operator is a synonym.
ge_le reputationPoints ge_le 100 and 200 Integer, Long, Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone Interpreted as "greater than or equal to and less than or equal to". The between operator is synonym. For this operator, the limits are inclusive. In the example, the result will be [100,101,...,199,200].
gt_le reputationPoints gt_le 100 and 200 Integer, Long, Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone Interpreted as "greater than and less than or equal to". For this operator, the lower limit is exclusive, while the upper limit is inclusive. In the example, the result will be [101,102,...,199,200].
ge_lt reputationPoints ge_lt 100 and 200 Integer, Long, Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone Interpreted as "greater than or equal to and less than". For this operator, the lower limit is inclusive, while the upper limit is exclusive. In the example, the result will be [100,101,..,198,199].
gt publishDate gt '2011-11-01T06:00:00' Integer, Long, Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone Interpreted as "greater than". The after operator is a synonym.
gt_lt reputationPoints gt_lt 100 and 200 Integer, Long, Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone Interpreted as "greater than and less than". For this operator, both the lower and upper limits are exclusive. In the example, the result will be [101,102,..,198,199].
in categories.referenceKey in ('ASIA', 'EUROPE') String, Integer, Long This operator supports multiple values grouped by parentheses.
inWithNoChildren categories.referenceKey inWithNoChildren ('ASIA', 'EUROPE') String This operator is the multi-valued version of the withNoChildren operator. This operator is only supported for Category objects with query parameters recordId and referenceKey.
le reputationPoints le 100 Integer, Long, Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone Interpreted as "less than or equal to". The onOrBefore operator is a synonym.
likeAny firstName likeAny ('Pete*', '*Pa*', 'Jo*n') String The wild card character is '*', as '%' is the wild card character in SQL statements. This operator can be used to achieve starts-with, ends-with and contains string expressions.
lt dateAdded lt '2011-11-01' Integer, Long, Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone Interpreted as "less than". The before operator is a synonym.
matchAll categories.referenceKey matchAll ('ASIA', 'EUROPE') String This operator is only supported with query parameters that represent a to-many relationship to the resource with attributes recordId and referenceKey.
matchAllWithNoChildren categories.referenceKey matchAllWithNoChildren ('ASIA', 'EUROPE') String This operator is only supported for query parameters that represent a to-many relationship from the resource to Category objects and can only be used with attributes recordId and referenceKey.
onOrAfter dateModified onOrAfter '2011-11-01T00:00:01PDT' Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone The ge operator is a synonym.
onOrBefore dateModified onOrBefore '2011-11-01T00:00:01PDT' Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone The le operator is a synonym.
or reputationPoints lt 200 or dateAdded lt '2015-01-01' An Expression or logical combination of Expressions See more info in the Combined Expressions section.
withNoChildren categories.referenceKey withNoChildren 'EUROPE' String Interpreted as "equal to with no children". This operator is only supported for Category objects with query parameters recordId and referenceKey.


The special query operators described here are valid only for Knowledge Management REST APIs described in this document.

Unsupported Operators

This table describes unsupported operators for the query expressions and their respective descriptions.

Operator Description
Relational This includes the following symbols: <, >, =, ==, !=, >=, <=, &, and |. The following operators are supported as an alternative: lt, gt, eq, ge, le, and, or.
Not This includes "not", "ne" (not equal to), and "pr" (present or is not null).
String This includes "co" (contains), "sw" (starts with), and "ew" (ends with). The operator likeAny is supported and achieves the same results with the proper placement of the wild card character.
SQL clauses While the query may resemble a SQL where clause, it is not an implementation of SQL and thus the following clauses are not supported: JOIN, GROUP BY, FROM, WHERE etc.

Operand Syntax

This table describes the data type and syntax description of the supported operands.

Operand Data Type Syntax Description
Boolean Literals
  • Boolean values have to be always the true or false keywords.
  • Quoted strings like 'true' or 'false' are not allowed.
Date, DateTime, DateTimeZone
  • All types of Date related values have to be (single/double) quoted strings.
  • Date is date without the time portion - it has to be in the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
  • DateTime is date with time - without any time zone info - it has to be in the format "YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm-ss" where HH is 24 hour format.
  • DateTimeZone is date time - with time zone info - it has to be in the format "YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm-ssZ" where HH is 24 hour format and z is time zone.
  • Any other format of date will be treated as string and will fail date format validation leading to query error.
  • When used with Range operators, types of both the lower limit and upper limit values have to be in the same format (i.e. you cannot mix Date with DateTime in the same expression).
  • When used with multi-valued operators (e.g. in, matchAll, etc.), all the values in the parenthesized list has to be in the same format (i.e. you cannot mix Date with DateTime in the same expression).
Null Values and Null Strings
  • The null value keyword is never allowed.
  • Quoted null strings like 'null', 'NULL', 'NuLl' are not allowed.
Numbers (Integer and Long Literals)
  • Negative and positive integer and long numbers are supported.
  • Numbers with decimal places and exponents are not supported.
  • Only numbers in US-ASCII format are supported.
Quoted Strings
  • Both single quoted strings and double quoted string can be used as values.
  • In single quoted strings, a single quote can be escaped using another single quote in front of it (similar to SQL).
  • In double quoted strings, a double quote can be escaped using a backslash (similar to Strings in Java code).
  • There is no need to escape a single quote in a double quoted string and vice versa.
  • Quoted Strings can contain Unicode characters (e.g. Japanese characters) - as long the query itself is URL Encoded properly.

Query Parameter Aliases

This table describes the query parameters, aliases of the query parameters and their respective examples.

Query Parameter Alias Query Parameter Example Alias Example
recordId id recordId eq '2LKAJDFO8234OIJ3O24P18439837409819' id eq '2LKAJDFO8234OIJ3O24P18439837409819'
referenceKey refKey referenceKey in ('FAQ', 'SOLUTIONS') refKey in ('FAQ', 'SOLUTIONS')

Query Parameter Attributes

A query parameter that represents a relationship to the resource can have only first level attributes in the expression. Keep in mind that there can be at most one dot "." for any query parameter expression. For example:

GET /content?q=lastModifier.firstName eq 'John' and lastModifier.lastName eq 'Smith'To illustrate valid versus invalid expressions containing attributes of a relationship query parameter, let's use the Content object, which has a relationship to the User object, through the lastModifier attribute, and a relationship to the Locale object, through the locale attribute. Also the User object has a relationship to the Locale object, through the contentLocales attribute, and the Locale object has a relationship to the Language object, through the language attribute.

Invalid Query

GET /content?q=lastModifier.contentLocales.localeCode in ('en_US', 'en_GB')


In the invalid query, we traversed a second level attribute of the lastModifier query parameter, by going through the contentLocales to filter by localeCode. Filtering by second level attributes of query parameters is not supported.

Valid Query

GET /content?q=lastModifier.firstName eq 'John' and lastModifier.lastName eq 'Smith'

Invalid Query

GET /content?q=locale.language.languageCode eq 'en'


In the invalid query, we traversed a second level attribute of the locale query parameter, by going through its language to filter by languageCode. Filtering by second level attributes of query parameters is not supported.

Valid Query

GET /content?q=locale.localeCode in ('en_US', 'en_GB')

Combined Expressions

One or more expressions can be combined by using the AND operator and the OR operator and by grouping the expressions with parentheses. Keep in mind the query parsing rules regarding complex expressions.


One or more expressions can be combined using the logical and operator.

  • GET /content?q=dateModified gt '2014-01-01' and dateAdded after '2013-01-01' and categories.dateAdded after '2011-01-01'


One or more expressions can be combined using the logical or operator.

  • GET /content?q=dateModified gt '2014-01-01' or dateAdded after '2013-01-01' or categories.dateAdded after '2011-01-01'


Combine and group expressions together to achieve complex queries.
  • GET /content?q=(dateModified gt '2014-01-01' or dateAdded after '2013-01-01') and categories.dateAdded after '2011-01-01'
  • GET /content?q=(dateModified gt '2014-01-01' or dateAdded after '2013-01-01') and (categories.dateAdded after '2011-01-01' and categories.refKey in ('ASIA', 'EUROPE'))

Rules of Thumb

  • Avoid using nested grouped expressions and nested logical operators within an expression.

    Invalid Query

    GET /content?q=(categories.dateAdded after '2015-01-01' or (categories.refKey in ('EUROPE', 'ASIA') and categories.sortOrder gt 4)) and title likeAny ('*Oracle*')


    In this query, the combined expressions using the categories query parameter contains a sub-grouping of expressions, which is not supported.

    Valid Query

    GET /content?q=(categories.dateAdded after '2015-01-01' and categories.refKey in ('EUROPE', 'ASIA') and categories.sortOrder gt 4) and title likeAny ('*Oracle*')
  • Avoid applying multiple filters on the same query parameter or on the same attribute of a query parameter that represents a relationship to the resource.

    Invalid Query

    GET /content?q=(categories.refKey eq 'EUROPE' and categories.refKey eq 'ASIA') and publishDate ge '2015-01-01' and publishDate le '2015-03-31'


    In the invalid query, the refKey attribute of the categories query parameter is used in two expressions. In addition, the publishDate query parameter is also used in two expressions. You need to reduce the expression to its simplest form.

    Valid Query

    GET /content?q=categories.refKey matchAll ('EUROPE', 'ASIA') and publishDate between '2015-01-01' and '2015-03-31'
  • Avoid using both the AND and OR logical operators on attributes of the same query parameter that represents a relationship to the resource.

    Invalid Query

    GET /content?q=lastModifier.dateAdded between '2014-01-01' and '2015-01-01' or lastModifier.login eq 'jsmith' and lastModifier.firstName eq 'John' or lastModifier.lastName eq 'Smith'


    In this invalid query, the expressions using attributes of the lastModifier query parameter have been combined using both the AND and OR logical operators, which is not supported.

    Valid Query

    GET /content?q=lastModifier.dateAdded between '2014-01-01' and '2015-01-01' or lastModifier.login eq 'jsmith' or lastModifier.firstName eq 'John' or lastModifier.lastName eq 'Smith'
  • Try to group all expressions on the same query parameter that represents a relationship to the resource.

    Invalid Query

    GET /content?q=lastModifier.dateAdded between '2014-01-01' and '2015-01-01' and title likeAny ('*Oracle*') and lastModifier.login eq 'jsmith' or lastModifier.firstName eq 'John' or lastModifier.lastName eq 'Smith'


    In this invalid query, the expression using the title query parameter is combined in between expressions using attributes of the lastModifier query parameter.

    Valid Query

    GET /content?q=title likeAny ('*Oracle*') and (lastModifier.dateAdded between '2014-01-01' and '2015-01-01' or lastModifier.login eq 'jsmith' or lastModifier.firstName eq 'John' or lastModifier.lastName eq 'Smith')

Query Parsing Rules

  • Combine all expressions using direct query parameters using either the AND or OR operators, but not both. Direct query parameters do not include first level attributes of query parameters that represent a relationship to the resource.

    Invalid Query

    GET /content?q=((dateAdded ge "2014/10/01" and dateAdded le "2014/12/31") or (dateModified ge "2015/01/01" and dateModified le "2015/03/31")) and title likeAny '*Oracle*'


    In this invalid query, the grouped dateAdded and dateModified query parameter expressions are combined using the OR operator and then combined to the title query parameter expression using the AND operator which is not supported.

    Valid Query

    GET /content?q=((dateAdded ge "2014/10/01" and dateAdded le "2014/12/31") and (dateModified ge "2015/01/01" and dateModified le "2015/03/31")) and title likeAny '*Oracle*'
  • All expressions using query parameters that represent a relationship to the resource should be grouped together. In addition, all expressions for query parameters that represent different relationships to the resource should always be combined using the AND operator.

    Invalid Query

    GET /content?q=(categories.refKey in ('EUROPE', 'ASIA') and contentType.refKey in ('FAQ', 'SOLUTIONS')) or (categories.refKey in ('NORTH_AMERICA', 'SOUTH_AMERICA') and contentType.refKey eq 'FAQ')


    In this invalid query, the categories query parameter expressions are not grouped together. Likewise the contentType query parameter expressions are not grouped together. In addition, the categories and contentType expressions are not combined using the AND operator.

    Valid Query

    GET /content?q=categories.refKey in ('EUROPE', 'ASIA', 'NORTH_AMERICA', 'SOUTH_AMERICA') and contentType.refKey in ('FAQ', 'SOLUTIONS')
  • Combine all expressions using first level attributes of query parameters that represent a relationship using the AND or OR operators, but not both.

    Invalid Query

    GET /content?q=(lastModifier.dateAdded between '2014-01-01' and '2015-01-01' or lastModifier.login eq 'jsmith') and (lastModifier.firstName eq 'John' or lastModifier.lastName eq 'Smith')


    In this invalid query, the lastModifier query parameter expressions are combined in different groups by the AND and OR operators.

    Valid Query

    (lastModifier.dateAdded between '2014-01-01' and '2015-01-01' or lastModifier.login eq 'jsmith' or lastModifier.firstName eq 'John' or lastModifier.lastName eq 'Smith')
  • At most one expression using the match all operators (matchAll or matchAllWithNoChildren) for a given query parameter that represents a relationship can be used in a single query.

    Invalid Query

    GET /content?q=( matchAll ('2LKAJDFO8234OIJ3O24P18439837409819', 'AMPD2J43FO82DFS3ODSRF123PAKFJ29823', 'ZKDFJ34S023JF0SL2340ZLC01923MFIO1F') or categories.refKey matchAllWithNoChildren ('EUROPE', 'ASIA')) and userGroups.refKey matchAll ('SILVER','GOLD')


    In this invalid query, there are two expressions using the match all operators for the categories query parameter.

    Valid Query

    GET /content?q=categories.refKey matchAllWithNoChildren ('EUROPE', 'ASIA') and userGroups.refKey matchAll ('SILVER','GOLD')
  • The contentState request parameter cannot be used with query requests (this applies to the Content resource only). Instead, use the filterMode.contentState query parameter for the content resource to filter the content according to their state (PUBLISHED, LATEST, or LATESTVALID).

    Invlaid Request

    GET /content?q=title likeAny ('*Oracle*')&contentState=PUBLISHED


    In this invalid request, the contentState request parameter is not supported for query requests. Instead use the query paramater filterMode.contentState.

    Valid Request

    GET /content?q=title likeAny ('*Oracle*') and filterMode.contentState eq 'PUBLISHED'