User Key Values REST Endpoints

Content (IM)/User Key Values

The user key values resource lets you save the configuration information of the users. For example, you can save the list of favorite articles of a user. The user key values are unique name and value pairs associated to a specific user. For example, a user named John Doe can add FAQ11 to his list of favorite articles.

Create a user key value
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/users/{userId}/userKeyValues
Delete a user key value
Method: delete
Path: /km/api/v1/userKeyValues/{id}
Get a user key value
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/users/{userId}/userKeyValues/{id}
Get all user key values
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/users/{userId}/userKeyValues
Update a user key value
Method: put
Path: /km/api/v1/users/{userId}/userKeyValues/{id}