Delete a user key value



This method deletes a UserKeyValue object having the specified user key value ID.

Example URI

The example URI for this method is as follows:

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/latest/userKeyValues/{id}

    This request deletes a UserKeyValue having the specified user key value ID.

Response Error

The possible error response for this method is as follows:

  • OKDOM-GEN0001

    The error occurs when a UserKeyValue object does not exist for the specified ID.


Path Parameters
  • The unique identifier of the object to be deleted.
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204 Response

No Content.
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The following example shows how to delete a User Key Value object from Oracle Knowledge repository by submitting a delete request on the REST resource using cURL.

curl -X "DELETE" "https://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/latest/userKeyValues/{id}" -u "<username:password>" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

This request does not return any response body.
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