Rate content



This method rates the latest valid version of the Content object with the specified ID.

The latest valid version of the Content object is either the published live or the latest version of the Content object. The request payload and the URI for the new resource must be specified along with the POST method.

Note: The content owner cannot rate the content.

Response Errors

The possible error response for this method is as follows:

  • OKDOM-GEN0001

    The error occurs when the specified ID is invalid.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
The single answer rating request payload should include the survey question answer's recordId and could optionally include the survey's recordId (retrieved via /dataForms/{id}), the locale's recordId and the answerComment element.
Root Schema : SingleAnswerRating
Type: object
Title: SingleAnswerRating
Show Source
Nested Schema : DataFormAnswerKey
Type: object
Title: DataFormAnswerKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : LocaleKey
Type: object
Title: LocaleKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : DataFormKey
Type: object
Title: DataFormKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : UserKey
Type: object
Title: UserKey
Show Source
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204 Response

No Content.
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