Content REST Endpoints

Content (IM)/Content
The content resource lets you create, update, view, delete, and manage knowledge articles. You can also perform additional operations such as publish, translate, and import knowledge articles as part of the knowledge management life cycle. A content object stores information about knowledge articles.
Check in content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/checkIn
Check out content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/checkOut
Clear content check out
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/versions/{versionId}/clearCheckOut
Create content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content
Create content from import
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/import
Delete all versions of a content in a locale
Method: delete
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/deleteLocalizedVersions/{localeCode}
Delete content
Method: delete
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}
Find article by answer ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/articles/{answerId}
Get aggregate rating result
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/ratingsAggregate
Get all categories assigned to content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/categories
Get all content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content
Get all translated content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/allTranslations
Get all translated content by answer ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/answers/{answerId}/allTranslations
Get all translated content by doc ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/docId/{docId}/allTranslations
Get all translated content by version ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/versions/{versionId}/allTranslations
Get all user groups assigned to content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/userGroups
Get all versions of content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/allVersions
Get all versions of content by doc ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/docId/{docId}/allVersions
Get all views assigned to content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/views
Get article by answer ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/answers/{answerId}
Get content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}
Get content by doc ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/docId/{docId}
Get content by version ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/versions/{versionId}
Get history of content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/history
Get history of content by doc ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/docId/{docId}/history
Get rating results of content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/ratings
Publish all version of content in a locale
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/publishAllVersionInThisLocale/{localeCode}
Publish all versions of content in all locales
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/publishAllVersionInAllLocales
Publish content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/versions/{versionId}/publishThisVersion
Rate content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/rate
Translate content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{versionId}/translate
Unpublish all version of content in a locale
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/unpublishAllVersionInThisLocale/{localeCode}
Unpublish all versions of content in all locales
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/unpublishAllVersionInAllLocales
Unpublish content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/versions/{versionId}/unpublishThisVersion
Update content
Method: put
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}
Update content by version ID
Method: patch
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{versionId}
Update content from import
Method: put
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/import
Update content owner
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/versions/{versionId}/changeOwner