Get content by version ID



This method returns a document having the specified version ID (versionId). By default, the returned content document is set for reading purpose. However, you can request for an editable document.

Version ID is the unique identifier for each version of the content. A version consists of the content ID (document ID or record ID), locale, and major and minor version.

For example, document having the content ID FA54 may have the following three versions:

  • FA54 in English at 1.0
  • FA54 in English at 2.0
  • FA54 in Spanish at 1.0

These three versions of the specific document has unique version IDs.

Request Editable Content

To request an editable document, specify the following parameters in the HTTP request:

Note: Before you send the request, ensure that you have the view privilege on the content type.

  • Specify isForEdit request parameter with the HTTP request, and set the parameter value to true.
  • Specify the mode of the Content object as FULL.

For example, when the request is submitted using the URI http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content/versions/{versionId}?mode=FULL&isForEdit=true, you get a Content object having the specified ID parameter in FULL mode. The latest version of the content appears in the default locale for edit purpose.

Request Readable Content

The returned document is by default set for reading purpose, even though you may need to request a readable document in different situations.

To request a readable document, specify the following parameters in the HTTP request:

Note: Before you send the request, ensure that you have the view privilege on the content type.

  • Specify isForEdit request parameter with the HTTP request, and set the parameter value to false.
  • Specify the mode of the Content object as EXTENDED or FULL.

For example, when the request is submitted using the URI http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content/versions/{versionId}?mode=EXTENDED, you get a read-only Content object in the EXTENDED mode. The service replaces the replacement token references in the content of the XML and the meta-data XML with the replacement token values.

Request Translated Content

You cannot request translated content using version ID or answer ID.

Version ID represents a specific translation of the content in the major and minor versions. For example, a document FA54 has two different version IDs for English content, one at version 1.0 and the other at 2.0.

Answer ID represents a specific translation of the content. For example, a document FA54 has answer ID 101 for English and answer ID 102 for Spanish.

Content Security

A web user can access the content based on the value of 'isForEdit' query parameter. The service uses the security role permissions assigned to the user to display the content.

  • User must have view privilege on the content type in which the specified content record is saved.
  • The views or departments assigned to the user match with at least one of the views or departments assigned to the content.

Response Errors

The possible error responses for this method are as follows:

  • OK-GEN0020

    • The langpref request parameter is specified with the request and it doesn't match with locale of version.
    • The error occurs when you specify langpref parameter or contentState parameter with the request.

  • OKDOM-GEN0001

    The error occurs when a content with the specified version ID cannot be found.

  • OK-GEN0014

    The error occurs when the isForEdit request parameter value is set as true but the mode of the document is not specified as FULL.


    The error occurs when an invalid mode is specified with the request. The valid mode values are KEY, DATA, EXTENDED, and FULL.

  • OK-SEC0001

    The error occurs when the isForEdit request parameter value is specified as true, and any of the following conditions exist:

    • The user does not have the modify privileges on the content type which contains the document.
    • The locale of the version is not present in the available content locales list of the user

Example URIs

The example URIs for this method are as follows:

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content/versions/{versionId}?mode=FULL

    The request returns the specified Content object in the FULL mode.

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content/versions/{versionId}?mode=FULL

    The request returns the readable Content object in the FULL mode. The field for isForEdit request parameter value in the object is set as false.

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content/versions/{versionId}?mode=FULL&isForEdit=true

    The request returns an editable Content object having the specified version ID in the FULL mode. The content object in the list appears in the default locale. The field for isForEdit request parameter value in the object appears as true.


Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Content
Type: object
Title: Content
Show Source
  • allTranslations

    This field will return list of all translated content that the user can view

    This field will only be populated if allTranslations query parameter is passed in with value true.

  • The unique identifier that enables mapping between an answer and the content.

  • ArticleStatusKey
    Title: ArticleStatusKey
  • LocaleKey
    Title: LocaleKey
  • Version of the Content object
  • categories

    The Category object or list of Category objects assigned to the Content.

    For example. If world is a category at level one, we may have Africa, Uk, America etc. at level two. You can specify requests for objects in a category hierarchically or non- hierarchically. If a content that is assigned Florida is requested using hierarchical request world, you get the result. Whereas, the same request done non- hierarchically gives no result.

    The category parameter lets you filter the result by first level category as well as hierarchical category in both single and multiple configurations.

      Match Any

      The service matches any of the category specified in the request if you pass the contentType.refKey eq parameter or contentType.refKey in parameter with the request.

      Example URIs for the category parameter are as follows:

    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey eq 'WORLD'&mode=KEY
    • OR

    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey in ('WORLD')&mode=KEY

    • The following example URIs returns Content objects which exist at the level of the specified category. This does not return the child Content objects.

    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey withNoChildren 'WORLD'&mode=KEY
    • OR

    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey inWithNoChildren ('WORLD')&mode=KEY

    • The following example URIs returns Content objects that match the multiple criterion specified in the request.

    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey in ('AGILE_CHANNEL', 'NEWS_CHANNEL') and categories.refKey inWithNoChildren ('USA', 'EUROPE')&mode=KEY&orderBy=mostPopular

      The following example URIs returns Content objects that match the multiple criterion specified in the request

    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey in ('AGILE_CHANNEL', 'NEWS_CHANNEL') and categories.refKey inWithNoChildren ('USA', 'EUROPE') and filterMode.contentState eq 'PUBLISHED'&mode=KEY&orderBy=mostRecent

      The objects in the returned list are sorted by the published Date.

    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey in ('AGILE_CHANNEL', 'NEWS_CHANNEL') and categories.refKey inWithNoChildren ('USA', 'EUROPE') and filterMode.contentState eq 'LATESTVALID'&mode=KEY&orderBy=mostRecent

      The objects in the returned list are sorted by the dateModified.

      Match ALL

      The service matches all the categories specified in the request if you pass the andcategories.refKey matchAll parameter with the request.

    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentState eq 'LATEST' and contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey matchAll ('WORLD', 'MOVIES')&mode=KEY

      The request returns all Content objects in the world and movies category. The service returns a Content object in the category Africa because Africa is a child category for the category world.

    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentState eq 'LATEST' and contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey matchAll ('WORLD', 'MOVIES')&mode=KEY&orderBy=mostPopular

      The objects in the returned list are sorted by the view in descending order.

    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentState eq 'PUBLISHED' and contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey matchAll ('WORLD', 'MOVIES')&mode=KEY&orderBy=mostRecent

      The objects in the returned list are sorted by the published date descending order.

  • The date when an author has checked out or locked the document for editing.

  • UserKey
    Title: UserKey
  • ContentTypeKey
    Title: ContentTypeKey
  • The date when the content was created. For legacy systems, the create date is the date when the document was created in those systems.

  • UserKey
    Title: UserKey
  • The date when the content was added to the content type. For legacy systems, the create date is the date when the document was migrated from the legacy system to the Oracle Knowledge Repository.

  • The date when the content was last modified in the Oracle Knowledge Repository.

  • The date when the service stops the display of the document to the end users.

    LookUp code that can be Fixed@Top, Place@Top , Historical Usefulness
  • The date when the document requires a review by an author capable of performing the review.

  • The date when the document will be available to display to end-users.

  • The unique identifier of a document that indicates the content type in which the content is saved.

  • The date when the document's event ends.

  • The date when the document's event begins.

  • The parameter to request editable content.

  • The date when the content was last modified. For legacy systems, the lastModifiedDate date is the date when the document was last modified in those systems.

  • UserKey
    Title: UserKey
  • ContentKey
    Title: ContentKey
  • links
  • LocaleKey
    Title: LocaleKey
  • MetaDataResourcePath of the Content object
  • MetaDataXml of the Content object
  • UserKey
    Title: UserKey
  • The flag that indicates whether the document is pending for publication.


    The priority assigned to the content.

    The valid values are: PRIORITY_0 to PRIORITY_20. For example, PRIORITY_1 or PRIORITY_18 are valid values, but PRIORITY_21 is not.

  • The date when the document was first displayed to end users.

  • The flag that indicates whether the document is published.

  • ContentKey
    Title: ContentKey
  • Version of the Content object
  • DataForm
    Title: DataForm
  • AggregateFormResults
    Title: AggregateFormResults
  • Reasons for editing or creating a content. This will only be used when creating or updating the document.
  • The unique identifier of the document. This ID is same in all versions in all locales of the document.

  • replacementTokens

    The object to create short, manageable terms (the tokenName). These tokens represent standardized, translatable, and sometimes complex content, such as integrated text, images, lists, and tables.

  • EXAMPLE URL : http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/okcs/resources/{TENANTID}/content/draft/{CONTENTID}/{CONTENTTEXTID}/{FILENAME_WITH_EXTENSION}?login={USER_NAME}. If the user name is not passed then it will be defaulted to 'guest' user.
  • schemaAttributes

    This field will return list of schema attributes associated with the content type of this content.

    This field will only be populated if additionalFields query parameter is passed in with value schemaAttributes.

  • The tittle of the document.

  • userGroups

    The user groups assigned to the content. Only the members of the assigned user group will have access to the content. Default value is Everyone.

  • Version of the Content object
  • The unique identifier of the specific version of a document in a specific locale. You cannot use this field in queries made using q query parameter.

  • views

    The views assigned to the content. The user who has the view assigned to the content or the content type in which the content is saved can only access the content.

  • The date when the service sends notification to the author involved in the review. Once the workflow notification is given, the service updates the next review date.

  • WorkflowStepKey
    Title: WorkflowStepKey
  • Xml of the Content object
Nested Schema : allTranslations
Type: array

This field will return list of all translated content that the user can view

This field will only be populated if allTranslations query parameter is passed in with value true.

Show Source
Nested Schema : ArticleStatusKey
Type: object
Title: ArticleStatusKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : LocaleKey
Type: object
Title: LocaleKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : categories
Type: array

The Category object or list of Category objects assigned to the Content.

For example. If world is a category at level one, we may have Africa, Uk, America etc. at level two. You can specify requests for objects in a category hierarchically or non- hierarchically. If a content that is assigned Florida is requested using hierarchical request world, you get the result. Whereas, the same request done non- hierarchically gives no result.

The category parameter lets you filter the result by first level category as well as hierarchical category in both single and multiple configurations.

    Match Any

    The service matches any of the category specified in the request if you pass the contentType.refKey eq parameter or contentType.refKey in parameter with the request.

    Example URIs for the category parameter are as follows:

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey eq 'WORLD'&mode=KEY
  • OR

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey in ('WORLD')&mode=KEY

  • The following example URIs returns Content objects which exist at the level of the specified category. This does not return the child Content objects.

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey withNoChildren 'WORLD'&mode=KEY
  • OR

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey inWithNoChildren ('WORLD')&mode=KEY

  • The following example URIs returns Content objects that match the multiple criterion specified in the request.

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey in ('AGILE_CHANNEL', 'NEWS_CHANNEL') and categories.refKey inWithNoChildren ('USA', 'EUROPE')&mode=KEY&orderBy=mostPopular

    The following example URIs returns Content objects that match the multiple criterion specified in the request

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey in ('AGILE_CHANNEL', 'NEWS_CHANNEL') and categories.refKey inWithNoChildren ('USA', 'EUROPE') and filterMode.contentState eq 'PUBLISHED'&mode=KEY&orderBy=mostRecent

    The objects in the returned list are sorted by the published Date.

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentType.refKey in ('AGILE_CHANNEL', 'NEWS_CHANNEL') and categories.refKey inWithNoChildren ('USA', 'EUROPE') and filterMode.contentState eq 'LATESTVALID'&mode=KEY&orderBy=mostRecent

    The objects in the returned list are sorted by the dateModified.

    Match ALL

    The service matches all the categories specified in the request if you pass the andcategories.refKey matchAll parameter with the request.

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentState eq 'LATEST' and contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey matchAll ('WORLD', 'MOVIES')&mode=KEY

    The request returns all Content objects in the world and movies category. The service returns a Content object in the category Africa because Africa is a child category for the category world.

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentState eq 'LATEST' and contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey matchAll ('WORLD', 'MOVIES')&mode=KEY&orderBy=mostPopular

    The objects in the returned list are sorted by the view in descending order.

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content?q=contentState eq 'PUBLISHED' and contentType.refKey eq 'AGILE_CHANNEL' and categories.refKey matchAll ('WORLD', 'MOVIES')&mode=KEY&orderBy=mostRecent

    The objects in the returned list are sorted by the published date descending order.

Show Source
Nested Schema : UserKey
Type: object
Title: UserKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : ContentTypeKey
Type: object
Title: ContentTypeKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : ContentKey
Type: object
Title: ContentKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : DataForm
Type: object
Title: DataForm
Show Source
Nested Schema : AggregateFormResults
Type: object
Title: AggregateFormResults
Show Source
Nested Schema : replacementTokens
Type: array

The object to create short, manageable terms (the tokenName). These tokens represent standardized, translatable, and sometimes complex content, such as integrated text, images, lists, and tables.

Show Source
Nested Schema : schemaAttributes
Type: array

This field will return list of schema attributes associated with the content type of this content.

This field will only be populated if additionalFields query parameter is passed in with value schemaAttributes.

Show Source
Nested Schema : userGroups
Type: array

The user groups assigned to the content. Only the members of the assigned user group will have access to the content. Default value is Everyone.

Show Source
Nested Schema : views
Type: array

The views assigned to the content. The user who has the view assigned to the content or the content type in which the content is saved can only access the content.

Show Source
Nested Schema : WorkflowStepKey
Type: object
Title: WorkflowStepKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : CategoryKey
Type: object
Title: CategoryKey
Show Source
  • This field will return number of immediate children a category has.

    This field will only be populated if childrenCount query parameter is passed in with value true.

    Example URIs for the this parameter are as follows:

    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/categories/{id}?childrenCount=true&mode=KEY
    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/categories?childrenCount=true&mode=KEY
    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/categories?q=contentTypeRefKey eq 'FAQ'&childrenCount=true&mode=KEY
  • Description of the Category object
  • The unique identifier used while integrating the repository data with the external system.

  • The type of the category used while integrating the repository data with the external system. Valid options are PRODUCT and CATEGORY.

  • The inventory organization id of the specific product.

  • links
  • The name of the category.

  • The hierarchichal position of the category
  • parents

    This field will return all parents of category.

    This field will only be populated if withParents query parameter is passed in with value true.

    Example URIs for the this parameter are as follows:

    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/categories/{id}?withParents=true&mode=KEY
    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/categories?withParents=true&mode=KEY
    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/categories?q=contentTypeRefKey eq 'FAQ'&withParents=true&mode=KEY
    • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/categories/{id}?childrenCount=true&withParents=true&mode=KEY
  • The unique record ID of the Category object.

  • The reference key for the Category object. Category objects support multiple languages. This field can be used to identify the associated objects for all languages.

  • This is a custom field that will get populated if a name is translated into the default locale when the translated name is not found.

Nested Schema : parents
Type: array

This field will return all parents of category.

This field will only be populated if withParents query parameter is passed in with value true.

Example URIs for the this parameter are as follows:

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/categories/{id}?withParents=true&mode=KEY
  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/categories?withParents=true&mode=KEY
  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/categories?q=contentTypeRefKey eq 'FAQ'&withParents=true&mode=KEY
  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/categories/{id}?childrenCount=true&withParents=true&mode=KEY
Show Source
Nested Schema : allTranslations
Type: array

This field will return list of all translated content that the user can view

This field will only be populated if allTranslations query parameter is passed in with value true.

Show Source
Nested Schema : schemaAttributes
Type: array

This field will return list of schema attributes associated with the content type of this content.

This field will only be populated if additionalFields query parameter is passed in with value schemaAttributes.

Show Source
Nested Schema : SchemaAttribute
Type: object
Title: SchemaAttribute
Show Source
Nested Schema : children
Type: array
List of child nodes of the current element
Show Source
Nested Schema : localizedAttributes
Type: array
List of LocalizedAttributes of this SchemaAttribute name and description in various Locales
Show Source
Nested Schema : schemaAttributeUserGroupList
Type: array
List of user groups that can be used to secure this attribute. This should be a subset of the list of user groups assigned to the ContentType
Show Source
Nested Schema : LocalizedAttributes
Type: object
Title: LocalizedAttributes
Show Source
Nested Schema : SchemaAttributeUserGroup
Type: object
Title: SchemaAttributeUserGroup
Show Source
Nested Schema : UserGroupKey
Type: object
Title: UserGroupKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : questions
Type: array
To Many Relationship to Question
Show Source
Nested Schema : views
Type: array
To Many Relationship to View
Show Source
Nested Schema : DataFormQuestion
Type: object
Title: DataFormQuestion
Show Source
Nested Schema : answers
Type: array
To Many Relationship to Answer
Show Source
Nested Schema : DataFormKey
Type: object
Title: DataFormKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : DataFormAnswer
Type: object
Title: DataFormAnswer
Show Source
Nested Schema : DataFormQuestionKey
Type: object
Title: DataFormQuestionKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : ViewKey
Type: object
Title: ViewKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : questions
Type: array
To Many Relationship to AggregateQuestionResult
Show Source
Nested Schema : AggregateQuestionResult
Type: object
Title: AggregateQuestionResult
Show Source
Nested Schema : answers
Type: array
To Many Relationship to AggregateAnswerResult
Show Source
Nested Schema : AggregateAnswerResult
Type: object
Title: AggregateAnswerResult
Show Source
Nested Schema : ReplacementToken
Type: object
Title: ReplacementToken
Show Source
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The following example shows how to find a document that has the specified version ID.

curl -X GET "https://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/latest/content/versions/{versionId}" -u "<username:password>" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format, including <additoinal information>:

  "isForEdit": false,
  "categories": [],
  "userGroups": [],
  "views": [
      "recordId": "51FADC735E2344B1B183D965060B248C",
      "referenceKey": "TENANT",
      "name": "NAME_VALUE",
      "links": [
          "rel": "canonical",
          "href": "https://IM_REST_API_HOST/km/api/latest/views/51FADC735E2344B1B183D965060B248C",
          "mediaType": "application/json, application/xml",
          "method": "GET"
  "recordId": "04008709a06d9d015aaa70657e007fd7",
  "versionId": "04008709a06d9d015aaa70657e007fd6",
  "documentId": "FAQ216",
  "title": "3D touch not working",
  "version": "1.0",
  "answerId": 1000336,
  "locale": {
    "recordId": "en_US",
    "links": [
        "rel": "canonical",
        "href": "https://IM_REST_API_HOST/km/api/latest/locales/en_US",
        "mediaType": "application/json, application/xml",
        "method": "GET"
  "dateModified": "2017-03-09T02:40:46-0700",
  "links": [
      "rel": "canonical",
      "href": "https://IM_REST_API_HOST/km/api/latest/content/04008709a06d9d015aaa70657e007fd7",
      "mediaType": "application/json, application/xml",
      "method": "GET"
      "rel": "collection",
      "href": "https://IM_REST_API_HOST/km/api/latest/content",
      "mediaType": "application/json, application/xml",
      "method": "GET",
      "profile": "https://IM_REST_API_HOST/km/api/latest/metadata-catalog/content"
  "contentType": {
    "recordId": "33B9C302D8264371B6A12EDAF3FD974B",
    "referenceKey": "FAQ",
    "name": "FAQ",
    "links": [
        "rel": "canonical",
        "href": "https://IM_REST_API_HOST/km/api/latest/contentTypes/33B9C302D8264371B6A12EDAF3FD974B",
        "mediaType": "application/json, application/xml",
        "method": "GET"
  "priority": "PRIORITY_0",
  "createDate": "2017-03-08T03:03:18-0700",
  "dateAdded": "2017-03-08T03:03:18-0700",
  "displayStartDate": "2017-03-08T03:02:37-0700",
  "displayEndDate": "9999-12-31T00:00:00-0700",
  "owner": {
    "recordId": "0400864aa0bf1015796a9cbbf007fea",
    "name": "autocsoadm1 svc",
    "externalType": "ACCOUNT",
    "links": [
        "rel": "canonical",
        "href": "https://IM_REST_API_HOST/km/api/latest/users/0400864aa0bf1015796a9cbbf007fea",
        "mediaType": "application/json, application/xml",
        "method": "GET"
  "lastModifier": {
    "recordId": "0400864aa0bf1015796a9cbbf007fea",
    "name": "autocsoadm1 svc",
    "externalType": "ACCOUNT",
    "links": [
        "rel": "canonical",
        "href": "https://IM_REST_API_HOST/km/api/latest/users/0400864aa0bf1015796a9cbbf007fea",
        "mediaType": "application/json, application/xml",
        "method": "GET"
  "creator": {
    "recordId": "0400864aa0bf1015796a9cbbf007fea",
    "name": "autocsoadm1 svc",
    "externalType": "ACCOUNT",
    "links": [
        "rel": "canonical",
        "href": "https://IM_REST_API_HOST/km/api/latest/users/0400864aa0bf1015796a9cbbf007fea",
        "mediaType": "application/json, application/xml",
        "method": "GET"
  "published": false,
  "checkedOut": false,
  "xml": "XML_VALUE",
  "resourcePath": "http://IM_REST_API_HOST/content/draft/04008709a06d9d015aaa70657e007fd7/04008709a06d9d015aaa70657e007fd6/"
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