Manage Relationships

Expand the Relationships folder to manage the relationships this case may have with other cases or service requests.

By relating a case with another case or service request, you can make updates faster and make notes across multiple objects. Here's a list of some of the different kinds of relationships that you can create between objects:
  • Is Parent Of
  • Is Child Of
  • Is Related To
  • Solves
  • Is Solved By
  • Supports
  • Is Supported By
  • Translates
  • Is Translated By
  • Blocks
  • Is Blocked By
  • Was Copied To
  • Was Copied From
  • Duplicates
  • Escalates
  • Is Escalated By

The two cases shown on the My Cases list page in the following image should be related to one another. Let's create a relationship between the two.

Image shows my cases list page with two cases in list

  1. Click on one of the cases and expand the Relationships folder on the case details page.

    Screenshot of expanded Relationships folder

  2. Click Create. You can also type the command Create Relationship in the Action Bar.

    Screenshot of page after clicking Create

  3. Select the Relationship Type from the drop-down list. The types of relationships available are listed earlier in this topic.
  4. Select the Object Type from the drop-down list. In this example, let's select Cases.
  5. Select the other Case to relate from the drop-down list. You can enter the Case Number to find it faster.

    Image shows all components of relationship selected and ready to click the relate button

  6. Click Relate.

    The relationship is now created.