Associate a Tag with a Service Request

You can associate tags with a service request (SR) only if the Tag field is added to the layout of the following pages:

  • Create Service Request

  • Edit Service Request

If the Tag field isn't available when you create or edit SRs, contact your administrator.

You can use uppercase and lowercase alphabets and the digits 0 to 9 in a tag. A tag can have a maximum of 60 characters.

To associate a tag with an SR:

  1. While creating or editing an SR, in the Tag field, type the name of the tag that you want to associate with the SR.

    As you start typing, a list of existing tags that contain the typed letters show up.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • If you find one of the existing tags to be suitable, then select the tag.

      The selected tag is associated with the SR.

    • If no suitable existing tag shows up, then completely type the tag name that you want and click Create Tag.

      A new tag is created and associated with the SR.

Note: To select an existing tag, you can also click the drop-down list in the Tag field and click Search. In the Select Tag dialog box, select the tag that you want from the displayed list and click OK.