Create and Edit a Service Request

You can edit or create a service request (SR) either from the Navigator, or from the Edit Account (or Edit Contact) page.

  • From the Navigator:

    1. Select the Service Requests menu from the Navigator.

    2. In the Service Requests list page, click an existing SR to edit, or click Create Service Request to create a new SR.

  • From the Edit Account or Edit Contact page:

    1. Click the Service Request menu option. The Service Requests page opens with a list of SRs that are associated with the account or contact.

    2. Click a service request to edit, or click Create Service Request to create a new SR.

  • If you open a new service request page from an existing account or contact, the fields are automatically populated in the Create Service Request page.

  • To create service requests for partner accounts, see the topic "Creating and Editing Service Requests for Partners".

  • To change a Create or Edit Service Request page from a modal window to a dynamic tab, click Actions and then select Switch to Service Request Workspace. To know more about how to configure and use Workspace, see the Oracle Fusion Sales Guides.

  • Your administrator can make SRs read-only for specific users. For more information, see the topics "Set Up Read-Only Access to the Service Request Header" and "Set Up Read-Only Access to the Service Request Header and Service Request Messages" in the Implementing Service Center with the Classic User Experience guide.

  • To display the Service Request and Interactions History subtabs under the Account and Contact details pages, your administrator must set the implementation status of the Service offering to Implemented. For more information, see "Overview of Interactions" in the Implementing Service Center with the Classic User Experience guide.