Overview of Wrapping Up an Interaction

If your administrator has enabled the Wrap Up page, it will display at the end of your service calls or chat sessions. You use this page to capture closing interaction notes and any contextual information.

The ready to use Wrap Up page captures information such as the reason for call, the resolution code, and the interaction code. If there is other relevant information you want to capture, your administrator can configure it.

Captured contextual information such as contact name, phone, email helps you easily keep track of the information provided during a call or chat session. The Wrap Up page also displays the business objects that were updated during the interaction, which can include one or more service requests. Associated items are displayed as titles of the service request and are links. If Wrap Up is disabled for an interaction, and you're working with an SR, you can review the transcript using the SR transcript message. Your administrator can use Application Composer to add field to the Wrap Up page.

If the Wrap Up page is timed out before you enter all of your details, navigate to the relevant service request, open the Interaction History, select the latest interaction, and complete the wrap-up details.

Note: When a call originates from a service request click to dial, or if the dialog box was to a service request, the wrap-up details are stored as service request messages within the relevant service request record.When the wrap-up is disabled for an interaction, and you're working with an SR, you can review the transcript using the SR transcript message.