Set Your Availability for Chat

To set your availability for chat:

Note: Starting in 22C, your administrator must grant you the ORA_SVC_CHAT_AGENT_ABSTRACT job role to give you access to chat.
  1. On the Service Requests List window, navigate to the chat icon in the toolbar.

  2. Move the mouse over the chat icon to view the tool tip that displays your availability status for chat.

  3. Click the chat icon in the toolbar to be available for chat.

    The tooltip displays: Available for chat interactions. The chat function is enabled.

  4. When you don't want to be available for chat, click the chat icon again to turn off your availability status.

When you set your availability, the Live Window opens in a new browser window.
Note: Make sure you don't have pop-up blockers activate on your browser. Otherwise, the new browser window may not be activated.
You can manage your chats in the Web Channels tab in the Live Window.
Note: If your administrator enables the SVC_OMNI_DISABLE_WORK_ITEM_AVAILABILITY_SELECTION profile option, you can't change your work and chat availability through the Omnichannel toolbar. Based on the profile option settings, the application assigns new work to you until your maximum capacity is reached. For more information, see "Enable Omnichannel" in Related Topics.