Transfer a Chat to a Queue

Let's say you require assistance with a chat. You can transfer the chat to a queue so that another agent continues the chat.

Note: To transfer chats to another queue, agents servicing the destination queue must be logged in and available for chat and they must have a Live Window open.
  1. Before you transfer the chat, type a suitable message such as follows: I am transferring your chat to another agent.

  2. Click Transfer in the Live Window.

  3. Click Transfer to Queue.

    The Transfer drop-down list displays a list of automatic push queues where agents are signed in and have the capacity to take on additional work.

  4. Select a queue by typing the queue name in the Search box or scrolling through the list.

    Note: If none of the agents in the selected queue is available or they don't have free capacity, a message is displayed, and you must select another queue.
  5. After the chat is transferred successfully to a queue, an agent in the destination queue accepts the chat.

    The Contact Verification window is displayed, and the transferee agent can view the customer details.

  6. The transferee agent must click Verify and Continue.

  7. The transferee agent, using the Live Window, views the complete chat transcript of your discussion to date with the customer, and continues the chat.