Wrap Up a Chat

After you finish a chat, the Chat Wrap Up window appears if it's enabled.

You can use this window to record any details from the chat. These details are stored in a wrap-up record. Refer back to these details at any time to track progress or review the history of a particular interaction.

The wrap-up details include the following types of contextual information:

  • Total interaction time and channel type icon

  • Agent who first handles the interaction

  • Account name, title, email, and phone

  • Reasons for the chat

  • Whether the issue was resolved

  • Any interaction notes that you want to enter

  • Business objects that were updated during the interaction, which can include one or more service requests (SRs). The associated items are displayed as links to the titles of the SRs.

Note: A complete chat transcript between you and the customer is also captured and saved in the interaction wrap-up record or in the associated SR message. This is useful because even if chat wrap up is somehow disabled, you can still review a full transcript of your chat.

To wrap up a chat, perform the following steps in the Chat Wrap Up window:

  1. Specify a Communication Reason by selecting an option from the drop-down list.

  2. Select a Resolution Code to specify the type of resolution that was provided.

  3. Specify a Transfer Reason if you transfer the chat to another agent for resolution.

  4. Enter Interaction Notes to specify the details of the issue and the resolution that was provided. You can also document any other details that must be mentioned as part of the service interaction record.

  5. Click End Wrap Up.

If the Chat Wrap Up window times out before you enter all the details, or if you want to add further notes, you can still add them later.