Work with Action Plans

Use the Edit Service Request: Actions and Plans page to view and edit actions and plans.

  1. Click the Actions and Plans tab in the Edit Service Request page.

  2. Click the number for the action plan you want to edit.

On the Action Plan page, you can do the following:

Filter Plan Actions

You can use Quick Filter to view actions by:

  • All Actions

  • Active Actions

  • Actions Delayed

  • Actions without Prerequisites

  • Actions Not Started

  • Customer Visible Actions

  • Blocked Actions

Edit Action Plans

To edit plans, click the number of the plan you want to edit. The Action Plan page opens to show all the actions on the plan.

  1. Click the link of an Action name. It opens a page where you can make updates. For example, you can change status to Complete for a Service Request.

    If the action type is a dynamic process and you click the process name, a new window opens in the Process Automation application.

  2. Update the End Dates if things aren't getting done on time or if things are getting done early.

    Working with the End Dates:

    When an action is created, the estimated time it takes to complete a task is entered for the action. On an action plan, an end date for each action is based on the estimated time for the action.

    If an action is past due, a warning icon appears on the end date of the action showing that the deadline for the action has passed. In addition, the projected completion date shows a warning.

    You can change the end date of an action by using the End Date field.

    Once the date for the past-due action is corrected, the warning no longer appears.

  3. If one of the actions in an action plan is optional and it's not started, you can skip it by clicking the Skip icon. You can't skip mandatory actions or change prerequisite actions.

  4. Close the action when you're done with changes and click Refresh to refresh the plan.

Add Additional Actions to a Plan

To add additional actions to an existing plan:

  1. Go to the Actions and Plans tab on the SR.

  2. Click the number of the plan you want to add an action to.

  3. On the Actions and Plans Plan page, click the Add (+) icon.

  4. Select an action from the list, or search for an action using Action, Category, or Type.

  5. Click the Add (+) icon for the action you want to add.

    You can add the same action multiple times. For example, if an action needs multiple approvals, you can add the action as many times as needed.

  6. Click Add Selected Actions.

    You're taken back to the Actions and Plans page.

    Note: If you have permission to create articles, you can create a Knowledge article based on the SR you're working on. Search for the Article type as you did in the previous step and click Add Selected Items. Click the article name in the actions list. This takes you to the Knowledge Management application Your administrator already mapped what fields from the SR go into the article. Complete any missing information and click Create . Now, a draft article is created. It goes through an approval queue and once it's approved, it's available for other agents to view as a possible solution to their SRs with similar problems.
  7. Click Save or Refresh to start the plan you just added.

  8. Click Save and Close.

View Action Plans

View an action plan using the default list view, or select the Diagram view icon to see a graphical version of the action plan.

  • List View: Displays a table with the steps in the action plan. You can sort the columns in the table using the arrows in each column header.

  • Diagram View: Displays a graphical view of the action plan timeline. This view shows the status of each action. You can also hover over each action to show prerequisites, dates for the action, and next steps.