Add an Individual Action or an Action Plan to an SR

You can add individual actions or entire action plans to an SR if additional steps are required to resolve the SR.

To Add Action Plans:

Action plans are templates that contain multiple actions that are required to resolve an SR.

  1. On the Edit Service Request page, Select Add Plans from the Actions menu.

  2. Select one or more templates from the list, or search for a template using Template name, or Category.

    To make sure the correct template is selected, the action plan preview displays when you highlight the template row.

  3. Click the Add (+) icon for the template you want to add to the SR.

    The template appears in the Templates to Add region. You can select and add multiple templates to the SR.

  4. Click Apply to apply the template.

If the administrator designated the action plan template to start automatically, the action plan is started within a short period of time.

Otherwise, you can start the plan by clicking the Start button in the Status column.

Once the plan is started, you can start working on it.

To Add Individual Actions to an SR:

  1. On the Edit Service Request page, Select Add Actions from the Actions menu.

  2. In the Add Actions window, find the action you want to add to the SR.

  3. Click the Add (+) icon to add the action to the Actions to Add list.

    You can add multiple actions to an SR.

  4. Click Add Selected Actions.

    You are returned to the Actions and Plans page. You can see the actions you added are initiated.

    Note: It might take a little time for the actions to start. Click Refresh to see updated statuses.

Add Additional Actions to an Action Plan

You have the option of adding additional actions to an action plan. Here's how you do it:

  1. On the Actions and Plans page, click the Add (+) icon.

  2. On the Add Actions to Action Plan page, select an action from the list, or search for an action using Action Name, Category, or Type.

  3. Click the Add (+) icon for the action you want to add.

    You can add the same action multiple times. For example, if an action needs approval multiple times, add the action for approvals as many times as you need to.

    If you need to remove an action from the Actions to Add pane just click the Delete (x) icon.

  4. Once you have added all the additional actions to the action plan, click Add Actions.

    Actions added to the plan are inserted at the end of the plan and prerequisites can't be added for any actions that aren't added through a template.

Caution: Before you continue, make sure you have the correct plan and that all the actions are correct. After the plan is initiated, you can't delete actions. If you need to start over, click Discard. The Discard button is your last chance to remove the plan.