How You View Queue Information

The Queues table on the Queues dashboard lists statistics about both real-time and non-real-time work items.


What You Need to Know


The queue name.

Click the Name link to open the Summary tab in the Queue Details window.


A description of the queue.


Tells you if a queue is enabled or disabled.

Select a value from the Show drop-down list to display Enabled, Disabled, or All queues.


Specifies whether routing is automatic or manual.


The date and time when the queue was created.


Lists the number of agents assigned to a queue, individually or as a part of a resource team.


Lists the number of resources assigned to the queue.

Click the Resource link to open the Resources tab in the Queue Details window.

Resource Teams

Lists the number of resource teams that are associated with the queue.

Click the Resource Teams link to open the Resource Teams tab in the Queue Details window.


Lists the number of work items that are assigned to an agent.

This value changes depending on the option selected from the Time Interval drop-down list. For example, to see the number of interactions that were assigned in the last 4 hours, select 4 Hours from the Time Interval drop-down list.


Lists the number of work items currently waiting to be assigned, in the specified time interval.


Lists the number of work items that came into the queue in the specified interval of time.

This value changes depending on the option selected from the Time Interval drop-down list. For example, to see the number of interactions that were received in the last 8 hours, select 8 Hours from the Time Interval drop-down list.


Lists the number of work items that were abandoned in the specified interval of time.

This value changes depending on the option selected from the Time Interval drop-down list. For example, to see the number of interactions that were abandoned in the last 2 hours, select 2 Hours from the Time Interval drop-down list.

Real-Time Capacity

Specifies the percentage of the total capacity that's available to handle real-time work assignments.

Non-Real-Time Capacity

Specifies the percentage of the total capacity to handle non-real-time work assignments.