Set Presence and Availability

Work assignments are determined by your availability, so once you sign in to the application, set your presence and availability with the user menu.

You can explicitly specify your availability for real-time and non-real-time work items. This means that you can specify if you're available for chat or for an SR assignment, or for both. By default, you're shown as available for non-real-time interactions when you sign in.

Agent presence is different from availability in that it indicates only whether you're signed in to, and are working with, the application. Set presence in Settings and Action menu. Your status can be either Available or Busy, and you can toggle between statuses. The following table shows how work assignments based on availability and presence.

Accepting Work


Work Assignment



The SR is routed to the agent.



The SR is routed to an agent and a notification is displayed. If the time-out period is nearing, a bold notification is displayed. Click the notification to accept the assignment. If you're presence is set to busy for an extended period of time, the SR is assigned to another agent.

The availability to receive non-real-time work is also turned off.



If the agent is signed out of the application, the status is set to offline. No new SRs are assigned, but the SRs that are already assigned are still owned by the agent.



Chat notifications are sent to the agent.



Chat availability is turned off.

Note: If your administrator enables the SVC_OMNI_DISABLE_WORK_ITEM_AVAILABILITY_SELECTION profile option, you can't change your work and chat availability through the Omnichannel toolbar. Based on the profile option settings, the application assigns new work to you until your maximum capacity is reached. For more information, see "Enable Omnichannel".