Elements Used for Balance Adjustments for Canada

When you make a balance adjustment, the Balance Adjustments process uses these elements to make the adjustments:

  • Primary or base element

  • Results element

The Results element is a secondary element created when you define the primary element. For adjustments on predefined tax elements, the process uses the primary element to adjust the balance.

Element Input Values to Adjust Balances

This table lists the element and element input values to use to adjust balances for each primary and secondary classification.

Primary Classification

Secondary Classification

Generated Element

Input Value

Standard Earnings

All secondary classifications

<User Element> Results


Supplemental Earnings

All secondary classifications

<User Element> Results


Taxable Benefits

All secondary classifications

<User Element> Results


Nonpayroll Payment

All secondary classifications

<User Element> Results


Pretax Deductions

All secondary classifications

<User Element> Results

Pay Value

Employee Tax Deductions

All secondary classifications

<Seeded Element>

<Tax> Withheld

Employer Liabilities

All secondary classifications

<User Element>

Pay Value

Involuntary Deductions

All secondary classifications

<User Element> Results


Involuntary Deductions

All secondary classifications (Fees)

<User Element> Organization Fee Results


Involuntary Deductions

All secondary classifications (Fees)

<User Element> Person Fee Results


Involuntary Deductions

All secondary classifications (Fees)

<User Element> Processing Fee Results


Voluntary Deductions

All secondary classifications

<User Element> Results

Pay Value

Before you perform a balance adjustment, consider the following:

  • If a balance adjustment is required for any element other than Earnings, Pretax, Voluntary or Involuntary, you must manually create balance feeds for the following balances:

    • Net Pay

    • Gross Pay

    • Any balances associated with the primary and secondary classifications of all elements other than Earnings, Pretax, Voluntary, or Involuntary

      For example, if you are adjusting an employer liability, you must manually set up a balance feed for the net pay, gross pay, and the balances associated with the Employer Liability element. The application automatically sets up the necessary balance feeds for elements of Earnings, Pretax, Voluntary, and Involuntary classifications.

  • To perform adjustments on any element, you must have created an eligibility link. To adjust base elements, the base element must contain an eligibility link. To adjust results elements, the results element must contain an eligibility link.