Overview of Balance Adjustments for Canada

Perform balance adjustments when you complete any or all of these tasks and you want to correct the processed balance values:

  • Run the Load Initial Balance task and observe discrepancies in the entries of balances processed

  • Load initial balances for an employee whom you have transferred in from a third-party payroll application

  • Correct balances that are loaded with these incorrect values:

    • Tax balance dimensions

    • Tax jurisdiction

    • Overstated or Understated tax limits

  • Correct balances loaded incorrectly for an employee, and you have processed payroll for the employee

Before you make a balance adjustment, consider the following:

  • Balances eligible for adjustments

  • Process for you to perform the adjustments

  • Information you require to perform the adjustments

This table describes the two methods you can use to make balance adjustments for a person. The option you use depends on the corrections required.

Adjustment Method

When to use this method

Update to Context

Adjust Individual Balances

  • Adjust existing balances for elements processed in a payroll run.

  • Create new balance results for elements not processed in a payroll run.

Use this method if update to context is required.

Balance Adjustments within the Balance Results section of the Person Process Results page

Adjust existing balances for elements processed in a payroll run.

Use this method if update to a context isn't required and the adjustments use the default context used for the payroll run.

Prior to making the balance adjustment, use the View Person Process Results task to view the Balance Results of the specific employee and document the following details:

  • Employee

  • Effective date of adjustment

  • Balance prior to your adjustment

  • Expected balance after adjustment

Adjust Individual Balances

Use the Adjust Individual Balances task to:

  • Adjust existing balances for elements processed in a payroll run

  • Create new balance results for elements not processed in a payroll run

  • Update contexts for an entry

Use the Adjust Individual Balances task under Payroll in My Client Groups and select the person for whom you want to make the adjustments. Consider these factors while making the adjustment:

  • On the Adjust Individual Balances page, use the Element Name field in the Element Details section, to view the eligible elements you can adjust. Select the appropriate element for adjustment.

    To perform adjustments on any element, you must have created an eligibility link. To adjust base elements, the base element must contain an eligibility link. To adjust results elements, the results element must contain an eligibility link.

  • If the element is defined at the assignment level, and if multiple assignments exist for the employee, select the appropriate assignment for adjustment.

  • Enter or select the appropriate balance adjustments in the Adjustment Values section. The fields displayed depends on the element selected.

  • Enter values for the required contexts so that the adjustment is performed correctly. If you leave the context values blank, the adjustment may not be associated to the correct context. For example, if the context includes a province, and you leave the province field blank, the context is undefined, and the process doesn't adjust the value.

    This table lists the attributes are necessary to adjust the balances with the correct context:


    Geography Context Name

    Context Names


    None of the geography contexts are used.





  • If an employee is transferred from one province to another, create a separate adjustment for each province. This is because all adjustments use the province as a context.

  • If an employee is transferred from one tax reporting unit (TRU) to another within the calendar year, and you need to perform a balance adjustment for either TRU, then you must perform a separate adjustment for each, using a process date as of when the transfer took place. When defining the adjustment, you must select the Calculation Breakdown Component value. This value is the same as the TRU you're currently adjusting. There's a one-to-one relationship between the TRU and the Calculation Breakdown Component.

  • Use the Include adjustment in payment balance check box to use the adjustment amount in the payment process to refund or deduct the payment.

  • Use the Include adjustment in costing process check box to calculate the costing of the adjusted balance amount.

Balance Adjustments Task

Use the Balance Adjustments task when you need to adjust element entries that are already associated with a person and the contexts don't require updates.

You can search by balance group or balance name, and select the appropriate balance value on the Balance Results section of the Person Process Results page. Use the Adjust Balance action and select an element and enter the adjustment value.

Verify Adjustments

After making the adjustments, verify that the Payroll Process Results task indicate the correct adjusted values. If you have set the adjustment to be refunded in the employee's payment, the payment amount includes the adjusted amount. You can verify this in the employee's payment once a prepayment process runs for an effective date that includes the date the adjustment was made.

Roll Back Balance Adjustments

If you need to correct or remove a balance adjustment, you must roll back the adjustments on the Person Process Results or Payroll Process Results page.