Example of Loading Regional Tax Levy Involuntary Deductions for US Employees

Regional Tax Levy orders are issued for legal seizure of taxpayers’ assets to satisfy back taxes owed.

An involuntary deduction element using this secondary classification needs to be configured prior to creating the card component.

Regional Tax Levy Involuntary Deduction Hierarchy

The card component name is defined by the element configuration, as are the value definitions which are supplied using the Calculation Value Definition and Enterable Calculation Value record types.

Refer to the Loading a Card Component for an Involuntary Deduction for details of each of the record types and attributes you need to supply for an involuntary deduction.

The example file lines in the section below are always supplied together in the same CalculationCard.dat file.

Calculation Card

Always supply the CalculationCard record for the Involuntary Deduction, even if the calculation card already exists for the employee.

Here let's create a new Involuntary Deductions card for Payroll Relationship Number 6485851 starting 03-Jan-2022.

MERGE|CalculationCard|VISION|ID_6485851|USA LDG|Involuntary Deductions|2022/01/03|||6485851

Card Component

Define the type of Involuntary Deduction using the CardComponent record type.

For Regional Tax Levy involuntary deductions you must supply these context attributes:

Attribute Name Value
Context1 The geocode of the state. Refer to the Cloud Customer Connect topic Template: BI Publisher Report: United States - State, County and City Geography Codes.
Context2 Supply a reference code. This value must be unique by deduction type and state.

In this example, let's create a Regional Tax Levy card component from 03-Jan-2022 that has a reference code of RGL-003.

MERGE|CardComponent|VISION|ID_RTL_6485851|USA LDG|ID_6485851|2022/01/03||Vision Regional Tax Levy|5|RGL-003|

The parent Involuntary Deduction Calculation Card is identified by the DirCardId(SourceSystemId) attribute which has a value that match the SourceSystemId attribute on the CalculationCard record.

Component Details

Use the ComponentDetail record type to provide flexfield segment values. This example supplies a subset of the flexfield segments available.

METADATA|ComponentDetail|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId|LegislativeDataGroupName|DirCardCompId(SourceSystemId)|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|DirCardCompDefName|DirInformationCategory|FLEX:Deduction Developer DF|orderAmtPayee_Display(Deduction Developer DF=INVLN_DEDN_PAYEE_DETAILS)|processFeePayee_Display(Deduction Developer DF=INVLN_DEDN_PAYEE_DETAILS)|receivedDate(Deduction Developer DF=INVLN_DEDN_SUPPORT_DATA)|startDate(Deduction Developer DF=INVLN_DEDN_SUPPORT_DATA)|description(Deduction Developer DF=INVLN_DEDN_SUPPORT_DATA)|issuingAuthorityName(Deduction Developer DF=INVLN_DEDN_SUPPORT_DATA)|initialFeeTaken(Deduction Developer DF=INVLN_DEDN_SUPPORT_DATA)|issuingJurisdictionName(Deduction Developer DF=INVLN_DEDN_SUPPORT_DATA)|remittanceIdentifier(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_US_INV_DEDN_DATA)|_Issuing_State_Display(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_US_INV_DEDN_DATA)|_Filing_Status(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_US_INV_DEDN_DATA)|third2dpartyInvoluntaryDe(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_US_INV_DEDN_DATA)|documentTrackingNumber(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_US_INV_DEDN_DATA)|involDedEarnType(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_US_INV_DEDN_DATA)
MERGE|ComponentDetail|VISION|ID_RTL_IDPD_6485851|USA LDG|ID_RTL_6485851|2022/01/03||VisionRegional Tax Levy|INVLN_DEDN_PAYEE_DETAILS|INVLN_DEDN_PAYEE_DETAILS|Dept of Revenue|Employer Payee for Processing Fee||||||||||||
MERGE|ComponentDetail|VISION|ID_RTL_IDSD_6485851|USA LDG|ID_RTL_6485851|2022/01/03||Regional Tax Levy|INVLN_DEDN_SUPPORT_DATA|INVLN_DEDN_SUPPORT_DATA|||2022/01/03|2022/01/10|Regional Tax Levy||Y|California||||||
MERGE|ComponentDetail|VISION|ID_RTL_IDD_6485851|USA LDG|ID_RTL_6485851|2022/01/03||Vision Regional Tax Levy|HRX_US_INV_DEDN_DATA|HRX_US_INV_DEDN_DATA|||||||||8883346|CA||1|DocID12348|

The parent Card Component is identified on the ComponentDetails records by the DirCardCompId(SourceSystemId) attribute, which has a value that matches the SourceSystemId on the CardComponent record.

Value Definitions

Use the CalculationValueDefinition and EnterableValueDefinition record types to provide override values for the value definitions.

In this example the following value definitions are overridden:

Value Definition Value
California Regional Tax Levy Order Amount 400
California Regional Tax Levy Total Owed Amount 2220.20
Note: Use the Template: BI Publisher Report: United States - Involuntary Deduction Value Definitions report to identify all value definitions for the Regional Tax Levy element.
MERGE|CalculationValueDefinition|VISION|ID_RTL_VD1_6485851|USA LDG|ID_RTL_6485851|2022/01/03||Vision Regional Tax Levy|California Regional Tax Levy Order Amount
MERGE|CalculationValueDefinition|VISION|ID_RTL_VD2_6485851|USA LDG|ID_RTL_6485851|2022/01/03||Vision Regional Tax Levy|California Regional Tax Levy Total Owed Amount

MERGE|EnterableCalculationValue|VISION|ID_RTL_VD1_ECV_6485851|USA LDG|ID_RTL_VD1_6485851|2022/01/03||400.3
MERGE|EnterableCalculationValue|VISION|ID_RTL_VD2_ECV_6485851|USA LDG|ID_RTL_VD2_6485851|2022/01/03||2220.2

The parent Card Component is identified on the CalculationValueDefinitions records by the SourceId(SourceSystemId) attribute which has a value that matches the SourceSystemId on the CardComponent record.

The parent for each Calculation Value Definition is identified on each EnterableCalculationValue record using the ValueDefnId(SourceSystemId) attribute, which has a value that matches the SourceSystemID attribute on the parent CalculationValueDefinition record.