Compensation - Salary Details Real Time


Provides real-time information on workers current salaries. This subject area can be used to analyze workers salaries. The Salary details of the workers can be compared by various important dimensions such as Performance rating, Assignment manager, and Location. Salary basis, salary components, current and prior salary amounts, and salary metrics are available for reporting. Key information includes Current and Prior Salary, Annualized FTE Salary, Salary Change Amount, Salary Change Percentage, Compa-Ratio, and Quartile. Reports can be created in worker local currency or in a user-preferred currency. This subject area does not include worker salary history. By default, reporting is as of the current date.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

My Team > Team Compensation > Manage Salary or My Client Groups > Compensation > Manage Salary

Time Reporting

This does not support history data. The current as-of date cannot be reset using logical SQL prefix.

Time dimension is linked to "Salary Details"."Salary change date".

Transactional Grain

This subject area returns data at the grain of salary (CMP_SALARY) with the following filter conditions applied: A). Default behavior:(CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN "SalaryPVO"."SalaryPEODateFrom" AND "SalaryPVO"."SalaryPEODateTo") B). When analyzed with Performance objects: (CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN "SalaryPVO"."SalaryPEODateFrom"AND "SalaryPVO"."SalaryPEODateTo"AND IFNULL("PerformanceOverallRatingPVOSalary"."EvalParticipantPEORoleTypeCode", 'MANAGER') = 'MANAGER'). Note that Fusion HCM data security may further restrict the data being returned in OTBI as OTBI uses the same data security as Fusion HCM.

Special Considerations
