Retrieve Party's Bank Account Information

To retrieve a party's bank account information:

  1. Perform a GET operation on the externalBankAccounts resource using a finder and a query parameter.
  2. Verify the details returned in the response.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.



Example Header

Provide the header.

REST-Framework-Version : 4

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

    "items": [
            "BankAccountNumber": "XXXXXX4818",
            "CountryCode": "US",
            "BankBranchIdentifier": 100100113626796,
            "BankIdentifier": 100100113626788,
            "BankAccountId": 300100179777635,
            "CurrencyCode": "USD",
            "IBAN": null,
            "CheckDigits": null,
            "AccountType": "CHECKING",
            "AccountSuffix": null,
            "AgencyLocationCode": null,
            "AllowInternationalPaymentIndicator": "Y",
            "SecondaryAccountReference": null,
            "StartDate": "2019-06-30",
            "EndDate": "4712-12-31",
            "BankAccountName": "AlexChecking",
            "AlternateAccountName": null,
            "BankBranchPartyIndicator": null,
            "BankName": "ANCDEVONLY_BANK",
            "BankNumber": null,
            "BankBranchName": "ANCDEVONLY_BRANCH",
            "BankBranchNumber": "000000123",
            "BIC": null,
            "VendorId": null,
            "PersonId": 1559922749,
            "Intent": null,
            "PartyId": null,
            "accountOwners": {
                "items": [
                        "AccountOwnerPartyIdentifier": 100100055205628,
                        "AccountOwnerPartyNumber": "100100055205628",
                        "AccountOwnerPartyName": "Alex SSP Fourteen point five days starting with Working day Entl",
                        "PrimaryOwnerIndicator": "Y",
                        "StartDate": "2019-06-30",
                        "EndDate": "4712-12-31",
                        "AccountOwnerId": 300100179777637,
                        "Intent": null,
                        "PersonId": null,
            "links": [