Perform Supporting Worker API Calls

Let's look at some of the supporting calls that you can perform on the on the workers API and related APIs.

Use Case Shows how to..

Retrieve Actions

Retrieve the actions that can be performed on workers by using the actionsLOV resource.

Retrieve Action Reasons

Retrieve the action reasons by using the actionReasonsLOV resource.

Retrieve Bank Details

Retrieve the bank details by using the cashBanksLOV resource.

Retrieve Bank Branch Details

Retrieve the bank branch details by using the cashBankBranchesLOV resource.

Retrieve Organization Payment Methods

Retrieve the organization payment methods by using the organizationPaymentMethodsLOV resource.

Retrieve Party's Bank Account Information

Retrieve the party's bank account information by using the externalBankAccounts resource.

Retrieve Past or Future Worker Details

Retrieve the past or future worker details by using the workers resource.

Retrieve Payroll Relationship Details

Retrieve the payroll relationship details of a worker by using the payrollRelationships resource.

Retrieve Worker Details

Retrieve worker details by using the workers resource.