Absence Types for Canada

An absence type is a grouping of absences, such as illness or personal business that is used for reporting, accrual, and compensation calculations.

Absence types manage the appearance and processing of absence records and includes these factors:

  • Who can enter or update the absence
  • How the absence can be scheduled
  • What information is captured
  • Whether the absence is approved
  • What plans apply to the type
  • How reasons are used
  • What supporting documentation is captured and maintained

Use the Absence Types task to create absence types. One absence plan may be associated with multiple absence types.There are several fields you set when you create your absence types.

Type Attributes

Use the Type Attributes tab on the Create Aabsence Type page to define the general attributes and rules of the absence type.
  • Select an absence Pattern if required. An absence pattern contains a predefined set of rules you use as a starting point when you create an absence type.
  • Select the Unit of Measurement for the absence type. You can select either days or hours.
  • Define Duration Rules. When you create an absence type, such as sick leave, you include rules to determine when users record or managean absence of that type. For example, you can restrict workers so that they can record absences only of a particularduration. An alert appears if the entered duration exceeds the maximum value.
  • Define Absence Record Maintenance options to determine who can update an employee's absence information.
  • Select the Display balance in approval notification check box in the General Attributes section to display the plan balance as of the absence end date in any generated notification.
  • Configure absence types for employees with multiple assignments so that managers, administrators, and employeescan enter absences that impact either all assignments or a specific assignment. Select the Allow assignment selection at absence entry check box in the Multiple Assignment Rules section to provide this option at absence entry.

    When adding an absence, if you choose a specific assignment, the absence will impact only that particular assignment. But if you select the option All the absence will impact all the assignments active as of the absence start date.

Plans and Reasons

Use the Plans and Reasons tab to link the absence plan and reasons for the absence type.

Absence reasons further refine the absence. If you have configured an absence reason, select them here for the scheduled absence plan. Absence reasons are independent of absence types. You can use the same reason for multiple absence types. When you create an absence type, you associate the valid reasons with the type.

Use the Absence Reasons task to to create absence reasons.

Display Features

Use the Display Features tab to confiure display and processing features.

Decide which fields or functions you want to show or hide for specific user roles when they record or approve a specific absence type.

Based on the absence pattern that you select, all fields and rules have default values, which you can configure.
  • Use the Primary Absence Details section to determine whether you want to show or hide these ields in the Supplemental Details section on the absencerecording pages:
    • Reasons
    • Comments
    • Attachments
  • Configure the Qualified Entitlements rule to show or hide the Qualified Entitlements section on the absence recording pages for qualificationplans.When workers schedule an absence related to a qualification absence plan, the Qualified Entitlements sectiondisplays payment percentages that apply during the absence period.
  • Use the Approval and Processing Rules section to configure rules related to absence approvals and processing that are available to specific roles in the approval page. The daily and summary breakdown information is not transferred to payroll until the absence is approved.
  • Configure the Insufficient Balance Enforcement rule to show or hide the Projected Balances section on the absence recording pages. When workersschedule an absence related to an accrual absence plan, an error message prevents workers from adding an absence ifthere is insufficient accrual balance.
  • Use the Dates and Duration section to control the processing and display of the date-related fields that appear on the absence recording pages. This section covers the dates that are captured, calculated, and evaluated. The fields vary significantly by absence pattern.
  • Use the Supplemental Absence Details section to control the display of additional fields that collect additional information and support absence processing.