Create Derived Factors and Eligibility Profiles

Derived factors define how to calculate certain eligibility criteria whose values change over time, such as a person's age or length of service.

You add derived factors to eligibility profiles and then associate the profiles with objects that restrict eligibility.

Use the Manage Derived Factors task to define these six different types of derived factors:
  • Age
  • Length of Service
  • A combination of age and length of service
  • Compensation
  • Hours Worked
  • Full-time Equivalent

Absence Eligibility Profiles

An eligibility profile is a set of criteria you define that determine whether a person qualifies for objects that you associate with the profile.

An eligibility profile is a user-defined set of criteria used to determine whether a person qualifies for a benefits offering, variable rate or coverage, compensation plan, checklist task, or other object for which eligibility must be established.

You can associate eligibility profiles with objects in a variety of business processes.

Criteria defined in an eligibility profile are divided into these categories.

Categories of Criteria defined in an eligibility profile

Category Description
Personal Includes gender, person type, postal code ranges, and other person-specific criteria.
Employment Includes assignment status, hourly or salaried, job, grade, and other employment-specific criteria.
Derived Factors Includes age, compensation, length of service, hours worked, full-time equivalent, and a combination of age and length of service.
Other Includes miscellaneous and user-defined criteria.
Related Coverage Includes criteria based on whether a person is covered by, eligible for, or enrolled in other benefits offerings.

Some criteria, such as gender, provide a fixed set of choices. The choices for other criteria, such as person type, are based on values defined in tables. You can define multiple criteria for a given criteria type.

To configure the user-defined criteria, use the Eligibility Profiles task. For further info, see the document Global HumanResources Cloud Implementing Absence Management on Oracle Cloud Help Center.