Employment Equity Interface Report for Canada

All employers covered by the Employment Equity Act must submit the Employment Equity Report to the Minister of Labour on or before June 1st of each year.

The Employment Equity Act designates these four groups as the beneficiaries of employment equity:

  • Women

  • People with disabilities

  • Aboriginal people

  • Visible minorities

The Run Employment Equity Interface task is used to run the report on or before June 1st of every year to create the following three Text Tab Delimited import files. These files contain employee information pertaining to the preceding calendar year (January to December):

  • employee.txt

  • term.txt

  • promo.txt

You can view this report from the Navigator menu and the Reports and Analytics link. The BI Catalog opens a new window and the generated files are automatically displayed in this window.

You can upload these files into the Workplace Equity Information Management System (WEIMS) database of the government.

Employment Equity Reporting Eligibility

Use the Employment Equity Eligible field on the Jobs page to indicate if a job is eligible for employment equity reporting. By default, the Employment Equity Eligible field is blank. If the field is left blank and not updated, employees assigned to that job continue to appear in the report. To stop employees assigned to a particular job from appearing in the report, you must update the field to No.

An employee is included in the report as per the eligibility you have defined for the job assigned to the employee.

Report Parameters

The report is generated for these two parameters:


Captures information for the reporting year.

North American Industry Classification System Code (NAICS) Code

This is an optional parameter and if used, generates files for a specific code.

Report Output

The report output should meet these criteria:

  1. Since they’re uploaded individually, they should be created individually.

  2. All columns must exist, even if they don’t contain any data and the column headings and titles are optional.

  3. All rows must contain data and row labels must be removed. Tabs are used as the delimiter between data.

  • Employee.txt file

    The employee.txt file contains one record for each employee and provides this employee information:

    • Group membership

    • Biological information

    • Salary and employment information

    • Organization and location-related information

    NAICS codes exist for each assignment and employees can have multiple assignments. The employee data pertaining to the NAICS code of the primary assignment is captured. The report captures only the first four digits of the 6-digit NAICS code. It also indicates if the employee is a woman, is an aboriginal, is a member of visual minorities (V.M.) or is a person with disabilities (P.W.D.).

    The salary displayed in the employee.txt file has to be manually verified, if required, and altered after the file is uploaded into the WEIMS database.

Some special scenarios and the reporting details are explained in more detail in the below table:


Number of Rows Reported

Reporting Details

Multiple assignments, same legal employer


Primary assignment details are reported.

Reports all salaries from all assignments.

Multiple assignments, different legal employers (multiple employments)


Primary assignment/employment details are reported.

Hire date reported is earliest across assignments and legal employers.

Reports all salaries from all assignments and from all legal employers.

The NOC reported is from the highest level of assignment.

Termination and rehire in same year, same legal employer


Salary reported separately for each record (not summed together).One row for terminated, one row for rehired

Termination and rehire in same year, different legal employers (multiple employments)


Hire date reported is earliest across legal employers.

Salary reported separately for each record (not summed together).One row for terminated, one row for rehired

Note: In the case of multiple terminated employments in the same reporting year, the hire date reported is earliest hire date from all the terminated employments. In the case of multiple active employments in the same reporting year, the hire date reported is earliest hire date from all the active employments.
  • Term.txt file

    The term.txt file contains one record for each contract term of a temporary employee and specifies information related to the contract. If there are multiple terms for an employee during the reporting period, they are listed chronologically. This file is not generated if there are no temporary or casual employees employed during the reporting period. The assignment category determines the status of the employee, casual, full-time, and so on.

  • Promo.txt file

    The promo.txt file contains one record for each employee promotion. If an employee is promoted multiple times during the reporting period, multiple rows, one for each promotion, are created. Only employees that received promotions during the reporting period are included in this file. This file is not generated if there are no promotions during the reporting period.

Employment Equity Reporting Balances

Some fields reported in the employee.txt file represent balances and may require manual feeds. This table details the source of data for these fields of the employee.txt:

Column in WEIMS

Column Name

Oracle Cloud Source of Data

Requires Manual Feed?


Salary paid

Balance = Employment Equity Salary

Feed this balance with earnings considered as salary, but do not include bonus or overtime.

Note: If this balance is not fed, the employee’s base salary is used.



Special salary – Commission only


Y: Employment Equity Salary balance = Employment Equity Commission balance

N: Employment Equity Salarybalance not = Employment Equity Commission balance

Feed the Employment Equity Commission balance with commission earnings. This balance will be compared to the Employment Equity Salary balance to derive the value written to this field. The comparison is used to determine if the earnings are all commission or not.

Note: : Leaving this field blank will cause an upload error to WEIMS.


Special salary – Other

Constant = N



Number of hours

Balance = Employment Equity Regular Hours

Feed this balance with hours worked that corresponds to the salary paid.



Number of weeks

Balance = Employment Equity Number of Weeks

Currently, the field defaults to 52.

  • Adjust the Employment Equity Number of Weeks balance if you require a value other than 52.
  • A future enhancement will automatically populate this value.



Special salary hourly pay rate




Bonus pay

Balance = Employment Equity Bonus Pay

Feed this balance with earnings considered as bonus or additional pay outside of regular salary. This value should represent the annual amount.



Overtime pay

Balance = Employment Equity Overtime Pay

Feed this balance with overtime earnings in excess of the standard hours of work. This value should represent the annual amount.



Overtime hours

Balance = Employment Equity Overtime Hours

Feed this balance with hours worked that corresponds to the overtime paid.

Note: This should not include overtime hours which was compensated with time off.


Note: See the Configuring Balance Feeds for Employment Equity Balances section for steps to manually configure the balance feeds.

Configuring Balance Feeds for Employment Equity Balances

Manually configure balance feeds for these balances, as per the requirements noted in the Employee.txt File section:

  • Employment Equity Salary
  • Employment Equity Regular Hours
  • Employment Equity Commission
  • Employment Equity Bonus Pay
  • Employment Equity Overtime Pay
  • Employment Equity Overtime Hours

You must first determine what elements contribute to each of these balances. Once identified, you can begin the process to create the balance feeds.

Use the Balance Definitions task to manually configure the balance feeds to report the required balances. For example, to create the feeds for the Employment Equity Salary balance:

  1. From the Home page, navigate to My Client Groups>Payroll>Balance Definitions.
  1. In the Balance Definitions search section, enter the balance name in the Name field. In this example, the balance name is Employment Equity Salary.
  2. Select a Canadian Legislative Data Group.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Select the balance name to navigate to the Balance Definitions page.
  5. Enter the Effective-As-of Date in the header.
  6. Select the Balance Feeds link in the left pane.
  7. In the Balance Feeds by Elements section, select Actions-Create.
  8. Select the earnings element used to feed the balance.

Note: You must use the Results element, not the base element, to feed the balance.

  1. Select Earnings.
  2. Select Add.
  3. Continue steps 8-11 for each element required to the feed the balance.

Click Submit

Note: For information on the security setup for the Canadian Designated Groups information used for employment equity reporting, see the Designated Groups technical brief (2202776.1) on the Canada Information Center on My Oracle Support at https://support.oracle.com