Associate a PAYE Component to Earnings or a Set of Earnings

You need to indicate which of the employee’s earnings need to be reported, and to which PAYE component.

You can do this in the PAYE Details by associating an assignment, and therefore all earnings associated with that assignment, with the PAYE details.

Add a row for each distinct assignment for which the earnings should be considered when calculating tax for the chosen PAYE Details.

If the employee has more than one PAYE Details region in the Statutory Deductions calculation card, add more rows to indicate the assignments for these other PAYE components.

All assignments that are attached to the same PAYE component are aggregated for tax. This way, the application supports both aggregated and nonaggregated PAYE deductions.

Note: You can't associate the same earnings at the same effective date, with more than one PAYE component.