Associate NI Details to Earnings or a Set of Earnings

You must associate the earnings or a set of earnings for employees with their National Insurance details.

The NI calculation component defines the NI Category, so effectively you indicate which earnings are subject to which NI category.

You can do this by associating an assignment, and all earnings associated to that assignment, with the NI Details.

The NI calculation component consists of NI Category and its Pension Basis attributes.

Add a row for each distinct assignment for which earnings should be considered when calculating the National Insurance for this NI Calculation component.
Note: You cannot associate the same earnings at the same effective date, with more than one NI component. You cannot associate two assignments to two different NI categories, if those assignments belong to the same term, because the actual relationship to the NI category is from the term, not the assignment.
The Statutory Deductions card is configured to display a chosen set of fields. You can configure more fields to display using Transactional Design Studio.