Attributes You Can Add on Benefits Pages

You can include various attributes on Benefits pages using these expressions.

Expressions to Add Attributes to Specific Benefits Pages

Attribute Expression to Use Page Where Expression Returns Expected Value
Person Name
All self-service and Benefits Service Center pages except Billing and detail pages opened from the Document and Certification section
On detail pages opened from the Document and Certification section, such as approve, reject, view, and create documents and certifications
All Billing pages
Person Number
All self-service and Benefits Service Center pages except Billing and detail pages opened from the Document and Certification section
On detail pages opened from the Document and Certification section, such as approve, reject, view, and create documents and certifications
All Billing pages
All self-service and Benefits Service Center pages
Legal Entity ID
All self-service and Benefits Service Center pages
Legislation Code
All self-service and Benefits Service Center pages
Country Code
All self-service and Benefits Service Center pages
Life Event
Overview, enrollment flow, and confirmation pages
Overview, enrollment flow, and confirmation pages
Person Id
All self-service and Benefits Service Center pages