Expressions to Show Components on Specific Benefits Pages

You can include these expressions in your Show Component expressions, to identify the specific pages that should show (eq) or hide (ne) the component.

Expressions for Where to Show a Component

Where to Show the Additional Text Show Component Expression
Only on the People to Cover page
#{pageFlowScope.pEnrollmentFlow eq "EMPCONTACT"}
Only on the Report a Life Event page
#{pageFlowScope.pTarget eq "EMPEVENT"}
Only on the Pending Actions page
#{pageFlowScope.pTarget eq "EMPPNDGACTN"}
Only on the Review Employee Resources page
#{pageFlowScope.pTarget eq "EMPRESOURCE"}
Only on the Need Help? Contact Us page
#{pageFlowScope.pTarget eq "EMPHELP"}
Only on the Primary Care Physicians page
#{pageFlowScope.pTarget eq "EMPPCP"}
As part of the Information message banner at the top of the Report a Life Event page
#{attrs.type eq ‘inlineInformation’ and pageFlowScope.pTarget eq ‘EMPEVENT’}