Benefit Enrollment Integrated Workbook Columns

This topic details the information required when you enter batch records in the integrated Microsoft Excel workbook for benefit enrollments.

  1. After completing the integrated workbook, you upload the rows to an interim batch table.

  2. After all workbook rows upload without errors, you run the Upload Benefit Enrollments batch process in the Evaluation and Reporting work area.

Workbook Column Explanations

Required fields are marked with an asterisk, *, and you must enter a value for them.

Note: Values that you enter in name fields must exactly match the values already in the application. This applies to names of participants, programs, plans, options, dependents, beneficiaries, and life events.




Marked automatically when you edit or add a row in the workbook

The upload process loads only these rows to the interim batch table.

Mark for Deletion

Double-click this cell to mark the row for deletion.

When you click Delete Selected Rows, the upload deletes the data from the interim batch tables so that it’s not available for the batch process.


Provided automatically by the upload process for each row after it loads the data into the interim batch table

For rows with errors, click Upload Error to see the details.

*Enrollment Type

Enter this value based on the person for whom you’re entering the data.

Valid values are:

  • Participant Enrollment

  • Dependent Designation

  • Beneficiary Designation

*Effective Date

Used when:

  • Fetching person details

  • Validating dependents

  • Processing participant life events

Enter the date in your standard local format.

*Person Number

PARTICIPANT_PERSON_NUMBER, a unique numeric identifier for the participant for whom to process the enrollment changes

Additional Person Identifier

Reserved for the application, don't use.

Program Name

Must be valid as of the effective date.

Plan Name

Must be valid as of the effective date.

Plan Disenrolled From

Reserved for the application, don't use.


Must be valid as of the effective date.

Option Disenrolled From

Reserved for the application, don't use.

*Life Event

Must be valid as of the effective date.

*Life Event Occurred Date

Benefits processing derives the existence of a started life event based on the combination of this date and the specified life event.

Enter the date in your standard local format.

Original Participant Enrollment Date

Doesn't affect processing, the upload updates the field for the participant enrollment record.

Enter the date in your standard local format.

Create Potential Life Event

Yes: The process determines whether the participant has a potential life event for the combination of the life event name, life event occurred date, and benefit relationship. If there is no valid potential life event, it creates and processes one.

No: The process doesn't create the potential event or process life events automatically. You must manually add the life event using the Potential Life Event tab.

*Benefit Relationship

Must be valid for the participant as of the effective date

Benefits processing derives a valid started life event for the participant based on this value.

Rate Amount

If you enter a rate amount, ensure that there is no value in coverage amount.

Coverage Amount

If you enter a coverage amount, ensure that there is no value in rate amount.

Disenrolled Coverage Amount

Reserved for the application, don't use.

Date of Birth

Dependent's or beneficiary's date of birth

Enter the date in your standard local format.

Beneficiary Organizations and Trusts

Enter the name of the existing beneficiary organization or trust. If the beneficiary organization or trust doesn't exist as of the effective date, the beneficiary designation process fails.

To create the organization or trust, which you can then use in the workbook, use the Beneficiary Organizations task in the Benefits Service Center page.

Primary Beneficiary Percentage

If you enter a percentage amount, ensure that there is no value in beneficiary amount.

Contingent Beneficiary Percentage

If you enter a percentage amount, ensure that there is no value in beneficiary amount.

Beneficiary Amount

If you enter a beneficiary amount, ensure that there is no value in beneficiary percentage.

Close Life Event Date

Date on which you want to close the life event

Enter the date in your standard local format.

*Close Life Event

Yes: The process attempts to close the life event that it’s processing, which is useful if it’s processing multiple life events for the same participant, dependent, or beneficiary.

No: The process doesn't close the life event, leaving it in the started state.

Suspended results or pending action items don't allow the life event to close. In such cases, it remains unchanged and you must close this event before attempting to process the next event.

Batch Line ID

Don't modify.

Uniquely identifies the batch line, which is referenced in error messages.


Don't modify.

Describes any errors that occurred during the Upload Benefits Enrollments batch process.

Reprocess the batch after correcting the errors.

Row Batch Status

Don't modify.

Indicates the Upload Benefits Enrollments batch processing status for the row, such as COMPLETE or ERROR.


Don't modify.

Internal value used for Upload Benefits Enrollments batch processing.